Why read tarot cards?
Tarot Cards Serve Many Purposes: Divination, Meditation and Insight
Tarot cards can be used for divinatory purposes or they might serve as a mirror, putting a person in touch with their inner-selves.
Nearly everyone wonders at least once in their lives what lies in store for them personally. Perhaps out of curiosity or for reassurance. People might go to a tarot reader hoping to hear of great monetary gains, happiness and holidays abroad. They are seeking assurance of a happy future. Some look to tarot as a form of escapism like reading a romantic novel.
Happy Ending?
Unlike the romantic novel, tarot readings do not always promise a happy ending. An astrologer, tarot card reader or a professional who uses any other method of divination cannot always send their clients away with an “and they all lived happily after!” - Their clients wouldn’t believe it anyway! So most people are left with a true reading whether that might be in accordance with love and riches or otherwise. The role of the ethical tarot reader is to help give guidance and advice on how to understand the different experiences their client is going through. Tarot can be a wonderful tool for guidance and personal growth.
Gain from Knowledge
Knowledge can be gained from portents of the future; why else try to look ahead? A grey sky might warn of an impending storm and preparations can be made. If a person is feeling really down or depressed a future reading can give hope by showing that once more things will start to look up and happiness may be just around the corner. Often these predictions seem to arrive at the perfect moment in the client's life: giving them hope and a will to prepare for the future without distracting from the valuable lesson they may have learned from their hard times.
Forewarned Is Forearmed
On the other hand, tarot readings showing loss or sadness can help to forewarn and thus prepare people if only very slightly, for events to come. Even a little preparation helps cushion the blow. These are, of course, the two extremes. More often than not a reading may show smaller everyday matters: letters from abroad, a birthday coming up or even the loss of a valuable item. After all, it is usually the small matters like these that fill up our daily lives.
