Unique New Year Resolutions - Learn to Find the Magic in Each Day
New Year Resolutions for a Healthier and Happier Life Style - Learn to Find the Magic in Each Day
The last few days of December are, for many people, a time to reflect on the past and consider changes they would like to make for the future.
New Year's Eve is a traditional time to resolve to follow through on these changes. Most typically, each year, resolutions that appear at the top of the list include losing weight, getting fit, spending more time with family and friends, quitting smoking or drinking and getting out of debt.
Here is a list of New Year's Resolutions that are focused on making your future happier by learning to find the magic in each day.
Resolutions for the New Year - The following are goals to help you live a more relaxed lifestyle:
* To live in the moment: Take regular time out to notice the beauty of the world around you, smell the scents in the air and feel the wind/rain/sun on your face.
* To smile more: Smiling will make you feel happier and put you in a more positive frame of mind; it will also cheer up other people who are around you.
*To control negative emotions: Anger, anxiety, jealousy, disappointment are enemies within and prevent appreciation of what's in the here-and-now. Developing a positive mental attitude by trying to examine why these emotions are felt and what can be done about them will help towards keeping them under control.
* At all times try to stay positive and hopeful even during adversity.
Change Your Life through Setting New Goals
These resolutions will help make you feel like a better person:
*To reduce stress: Effective stress relievers help to restore inner peace and physical health. Whatever helps you to blow off steam, whether it is walking the dog, computer games, yoga, meditation, long baths in scented water, sex or exercise, be sure to make this a part of your regular routine.
*To recapture the fun in your life: Whatever you enjoy doing most, do it! Don't feel guilty or childish.
Only you know what's fun for you. It might be playing word games with the family, volunteer activities, reading a novel, painting, sports. Fun is relaxation and enjoyment and it isn't selfish to indulge in personal, fun things.
*To be more creative: Let creativity be that extra ingredient that helps to make your life andrelationships more fulfilling.
*To learn something new: Join a book club or learn a new skill. Take a class on photography, computers or art. Learn a new language or think about developing a talent.
* Make a list of 'fun' things to do and post it on your fridge door as a constant reminder.
Goals for Relationships for the Year Ahead
Here are some ideas for resolutions to make relationships more fulfilling:
*To build stronger relationships: Get involved with others through community service and volunteer activities. Encourage friends and family to join you and as you work on group projects you will also be building better personal relationships
.*To take time to call long-distance friends and family to catch up on their news: Instead of just holiday newsletters and birthday cards, send regular monthly emails to let people know what's going on in your life and to ask about theirs.
*To spend more time with family: One day a week, eat dinner together as a family and make a point of spending quality time with your partner. Participate more in family rituals. Hug someone you love and always look for the good in other people.
*To get involved in fund raising activities for a local charity.
* Don't think 'what if'; accept 'what is'.
Life Change through Setting New Goals
Believe in yourself and your ability to keep your goals. You can do this by: *Keeping your eyes on the prize: Visualise the kind of life you want and never lose sight of it.*Nurturing your sense of humour: Fit some time into each day for having fun time with friends and family. Try to see the light side of even your most serious concerns.
*Decide on what is blocking you from creating the life you want to lead and what new behaviour you need to develop in order to keep to your resolutions. Resolve, this New Year to break down these barriers and to keep to your resolutions.