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The Winter Solstice Great Conjunction – December 2020

On December 21st, 2020 Jupiter and Saturn will be less than one degree apart and they haven’t been this close since the year 1623. In 2000 they came close, but not this close. These huge planets have been dominating the post-sunset sky for months and on the Winter Solstice, Jupiter will align with Saturn to form a Great Conjunction, appearing as almost a single star in the sky. This planetary alignment is called a Great Conjunction because it is a rare event, occurring once every 20 years.

These planets have been seen slowly moving closer together and will stage one last ceremonious finale in the form of the Great Conjunction in Aquarius at the Winter Solstice.

Great Conjunctions have been observed from early times and were seen as celestial indicators of new cycles in royalty, politics and economy. Some believe that the Star of Bethlehem was a Great Conjunction.

The last Great Conjunction occurred in the earth sign Taurus. Jupiter and Saturn will meet in an Air sign this Christmas, corresponding with innovation, technology advancement, scientific progress and individual freedom and liberation. Transformation is in the air. We are on the threshold of a new 20 year cycle, a huge shift in societal and cultural behaviours and many of us have already been experiencing a spiritual shift, a spiritual rebirth a growing awareness of our psychic abilities.

How might the Great Conjunction impact your life? Look up your sign below:

Aries: People pass in and out of our lives all the time. Some stay around for a long time, others may go very quickly and all will leave their mark on each other. Friendships formed now will bring important lessons. You might feel as if you have known someone for years even though you have only just met. Your angels and guides are bringing new people into your life who will be consequential. When you meet them, you will sense straight away that this relationship is going to be special in some way.

Taurus: You will have the courage of your convictions. Whatever goals you set for yourself, you will be determined to find a way to reach them. You like to plan well ahead, to know where you are going and to work out how you are going to get there. Don’t be surprised if you are constantly making plans. Although you aren’t always keen on change, you will recognise when this is needed to bring improvements to your life. Don’t be afraid to try new paths and to go where you can grow.

Gemini: You could be drawn to studying new subjects. You have a curious mind and you love to learn and gain new experiences. It might feel as if it is time now to either go back and learn old things or to study something completely new. The year ahead will bring opportunities to expand your knowledge. Challenge yourself to learn something new and to commit to a period of learning.

Cancer: You might find yourself considering new moneymaking opportunities. You’re concerned about your future security and will be looking for ways to make your life more secure. If you’ve been thinking about starting on a home improvement project, 2021 will be a great year to redecorate drab rooms, add modern conveniences to your home and to create the comfortable home you have always dreamed of.

Leo: Remember that you are never alone. As well as there being changes in your closest relationships when they will either grow closer with bonds strengthening or you might agree to go your separate ways, always know that your Guides and Angels are always there for you. Reach out and ask when you need their guidance. Trust there are higher forces working on your behalf.

Virgo: You are moving into a phase of emotional and spiritual healing. Your angels will help you heal many aspects of your life: your relationships, career, family life and health. If you are going through turmoil, challenge, difficulties that are causing stress-related illnesses, trust there are spirit energies that are supporting you at this time.

Libra: Stand up for what you believe in. The energy of the Great Conjunction will bring out the warrior in you when you are less likely to be intimidated by people with powerful personalities and more likely to stand up for your rights and for the rights of others. Be brave and honest. Be true to yourself and trust that Karmic justice will take care of past injustices.

Scorpio: You might notice a change in energy in your home. If family life has become unbalanced, you will see this even out in 2021. Troubling relationships will be addressed and if one partner has been overly domineering, either balance will be restored or there will be big changes. You’re likely to be putting time and effort into creating a stable home life. There’s a chance too you will be thinking about setting up a business from home.

Sagittarius: We are all learning spiritual lessons even when it doesn’t feel like it. Whatever challenges you are going through now will bring valuable life lessons. Don’t see difficulties as tests. They are experiences that will help you learn more about yourself, your relationships, how you cope with all kinds of situations and how you treat others. If patterns repeat themselves, ask yourself what it is you should be learning from these. Once this is acknowledged, the cycle will be broken.

Capricorn: You might enjoy spending more time in nature. If you haven’t been feeling one hundred per cent recently, if you’ve been stressed and irritable, Mother Earth is asking you to spend quiet time in the woods, a park, by the sea and soak up nature’s healing energy. Whenever you feel down, get outdoors. Take a walk. You will feel more rejuvenated and calm when you do.

Aquarius: Embrace opportunities to steadily move your life forward. With the Great Conjunction occurring in your sign, whether it is your job, a personal project, a family concern or you are working on your spiritual development, this is a time of progress and advancement for you. Don’t compare yourself with others. Just keep focused on your own goals.

Pisces: Reconnecting with your inner self will help you weather any storm. This is a great time to turn your attention inward and to experiment with new spiritual pursuits. Money, status, material rewards will start to mean less and less to you as you realise that to cultivate contentment, you need to build your life around activities that are emotionally, creatively and spiritually rewarding.




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