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Tarot cards and meditation

Meditating with the Fool and Magician Tarot Cards

Tarot cards can be a useful tool in meditation, offering insight and guidance through the symbolism in the cards.

There are some cards you might feel automatically drawn to. If so, you should choose this as your special card and focus on it in quiet times of meditation. Just one card should be used for each meditation. These might be chosen at random after shuffling the deck or a card might be chosen because of its image or because it seems to invite further thought and contemplation.

The Fool Tarot Card in Meditation

Symbolic of life, lessons and learning. The Fool stands at the edge of a cliff. In your meditations imagine yourself standing on this edge; the air is fresh and clear. Towering even further above you are snow-capped peaks. The sky is blue; there are no clouds. Look down. Your path will slope downwards through pine trees. You can smell the scent of the evergreens. In this serene and peaceful environment, find a place to sit and take it all in; contemplate your past and, most importantly, your future.

When you feel drawn to this card for meditation try to imagine a long winding road. Let your mind wander and see where your meditations take you. The Fool represents birth, new beginnings and the start of a new cycle. There is the chance that there is some risk involved and that’s why it is important to focus on the future.

Shed your doubts and insecurities as you let the inner-you decide on the best road to choose. The symbolism in this card will help you embrace new beginnings. It helps give you the courage to begin again.

The Magician Tarot Card in Meditation

Symbolic of the universal principle of communication. When you feel drawn to this card for meditation, try to imagine the golden figure of Mercury, the winged messenger, in your meditations. He is god of the alphabet, languages and magical knowledge. Focus on creative ideas as this card suggests you have the ability to turn them into reality.

Guided Meditation Using the Magician Tarot Card

In your meditation imagine yourself greeting the dawn. Its a new day. Pay attention to how you feel mentally, spiritually and physically. Calm your thoughts. Relax your mind. Invite your creativity into this day. A new dawn; it's the beginning of a new day. Remind yourself of your dreams and desires. Focus on your visions for the future. Breathe deep into your heart and fill yourself with love and peace. As you meditate on this card, believe in your creativity. Trust in the power of your imagination.


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