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Reach for the Stars and Raise your Vibration

Reach to the Stars and Raise your Vibration

Is your glass half full, or half empty? Do you feel energised or lethargic? How are your relationships? If aspects of your life aren't going well, you may be stuck in a low vibration. Every emotion we feel has a vibrational pattern and the higher our vibration, the easier we find it to make good choices, resist stress, enjoy happier relationships and be more efficient at work.

The Universe is one vast sea of energy. Everything is energy and has its own vibrational frequency, including you. When your vibration is low, you might make poor decisions, feel unfulfilled and find it hard to make progress. If you have a high vibration, you feel creative, happy, emotionally balanced and highly intuitive. - You will attract good opportunities and feel loved.

Every star sign has strengths and weaknesses that can affect your vibration. Astrology can be one of the most powerful tools for raising your vibes and by identifying your strong and weak points through your Star Sign personality you can put energy into your strengths and manage your weaknesses."

Raise your vibes and you will receive clearer guidance from your Higher Self, attract amazing experiences and change your life for the better.

Here's how to reach for the stars and raise your vibration through astrology.


Strengths: Your determination to make the most of your life keeps your vibration high. You are outgoing, confident and full of energy. Keep this positive by always being ready to use your initiative. Act on your ideas and you can make great things happen in the world around you. Helping others can raise your divine frequencies within. Make good use of you leadership skills and you will be an inspiration to others.

Weaknesses: Impatience, arrogance and being confrontational are all traits that can lower your vibration. When you get angry, you are quick to show your temper and this can have an immediate impact on your relationships and your own well-being. Uncontrolled anger can lead to arguments, hurt your friends and loved ones and in some cases, lead to violence. Every time you argue with someone, witness violent scenes or feel irritated and impatient your vibration is lowered.

Amp up your Vibes by: Learning how to keep lower emotions such as anger, impatience and irritability under control. Avoid circumstances or people who make you angry. Take deep breaths and calm down when you feel yourself getting impatient. Move your energy in a better direction by converting rage to motivation and this will help raise your vibration.


Strengths: Your determined approach to life keeps you realistic and living in the present. Being firmly in your body enables you to ground the love and light from your higher self. When you are grounded you feel calm, relaxed and patient and this keeps your vibrational energies high. Routine chores like working in the garden, cooking and cleaning give you a sense of stability and comfort and can help you maintain a high vibration.

Weaknesses: You are driven to do the best you can in everything but you can forget to take regular breaks. Then when you do stop, you don't want to start again. Exhaustion can lower your vibration and when your vibration is at the low end of the scale you can develop health problems.

Amp up your vibes by: Next time you have a mountain of work to do, delegate. Take a bit longer over lunch or spend some time on your own to recharge your energetic batteries. When you're feeling lazy, this is due to a lack of motivation. Find out what is holding you back and address the problem. By keeping your life organised, making time to relax and creating a still state of mind, you are keeping your vibration high.


Strengths: You soak in knowledge like a sponge absorbs water. You are naturally curious and your interests are diverse. You love it when you find people who share the same wavelength you can bounce ideas off. Studying all things spiritual and appreciating the diversity of life creates a positive karmic vibrational energy.

Weaknesses: Your mind never stops and your thoughts directly affect your vibration. Anxiety and restlessness generate negative spiritual frequencies. When you're unable to sit still or feel constantly on edge, go for a walk to burn up excess adrenaline. Deep breathing exercises and meditation can also help keep your spiritual energy flowing.

Amp up your Vibes by: Avoiding gossips and being mindful about the information you take in. Everything is energy including thoughts and information. Think about the vibration of the words you are reading or listening to. Notice how they make you feel. Study Mindfulness and how this can have a positive effect on your brain and emotional wellbeing. Counteract negative news and information with inspirational, uplifting thoughts.


Strengths: Your quiet inner strength and sensitivity comes from your connection to your Higher Self. When you are in touch with your feelings and you keep these positive, your energy will vibrate at a high frequency.

Weaknesses: With you being so sensitive, you can get hurt over small issues that seem trivial to others. You aren't able to deal with difficult situations easily and will bury your head in the sand when things go wrong. If you give in to self-pity, sulking and moodiness, your energy field will become blocked and clouded. Channel frustrations into your work or do something creative.

Amp up your Vibes by: Checking in on your feelings regularly to make sure you are keeping your vibration high in the best possible way. Next time you feel negative, upset or moody, acknowledge the feeling, understand why this emotion has arisen and turn it into something positive. Developing new skills such as painting, writing or photography, and directing your energy towards making your future secure will reduce the effect negative emotions have on your vibration.


Strengths: Yours is a warm and loving personality and you can always find something to smile about. Performing random acts of kindness gives you a great deal of pleasure and being creative and upbeat has a positive influence on all who are around you. Laughter puts you in good spirits and for you, this really is the best medicine. – Your generous and fun loving nature supports a bright energy field.

Weaknesses: Who is it that always has to have the last word? Who can be dominating and manipulative in order to get their own way? Who tends to over dramatise everything? If you recognise these traits in yourself, this is characteristic of you operating at a low energy vibration. These are the times when you should take pains to defer to others.

Amp up your Vibes by: Thinking about how you react to negative emotions and situations. Whenever you feel angry with someone, be sensitive to their feelings and choose a courteous way to express yours. Keep your huge Leo heart open by visualising love and light flowing through your body. This will help raise your vibration and improve your outlook on life.


Strengths: You think before you act and know how to prioritise. Your natural ability for keeping yourself and your surroundings organised makes you feel in control and keeps your mental vibration high. Setting high standards for yourself and others brings out the best in you and those around you. Positive expectations, living a purposeful life and volunteer work all help raise your vibration.

Weaknesses: There is a special kind of magic in reaching for challenging goals but keep them realistic. Setting unachievable targets can lead to disappointment and lower your vibration. Your happiness should not be determined by success or failure. Even if you fall short of your goals, be proud of what you have achieved. Criticising others who disappoint you sucks positive energy out of joint projects, wrecks your inner peace, dims your glow and lowers your energy vibration.

Amp up your Vibes by: Managing your expectations. Keeping your expectations realistic allows you to accept flaws in yourself and others. Being able to accept yourself and others for whom you truly are, raises and lifts your spirit.


Strengths: One of your biggest strengths is your ability to promote peace and harmony wherever you go. The Scales, your astrological symbol, encourage balance in your life and relationships. You genuinely care for other living beings and your ability to see the best in all people raises your love vibration.

Weaknesses: Because you can see all sides of the issue, you are constantly weighing up the pros and cons and this can make it hard for you to make decisions. Even when you make a choice, five minutes later you will change your mind. Indecision can hold you back, drain your personal power and lower your vibration.

Amp up your Vibes by: Using your power of choice to make definite decisions. Believe in yourself; trust that you can and you will. Knowing when to say "no" reduces the anxiety of trying to please too many people and following through with your choices puts you in a positive mind-set. Listening to music that opens up your heart can also raise your energetic frequency.


Strengths: You're passionate about most everything you commit to, whether it is work, relationships or leisure activities. Your inner strength provides the courage to do what's right in difficult situations. Passion gives you purpose, keeps you excited and lifts up your vibration. You are in touch with your inner psychic and radiate a high frequency when in a heightened state of awareness.

Weaknesses: Jealous, obsessive thoughts bring your vibration more to the low end of the scale. When jealousy keeps you awake at night, this can destroy relationships and damage your health. When you are feeling vengeful and use your powerful mind to try to manipulate or control others, you are vibrating at a low level. To raise your vibration become conscious of your thoughts, acknowledge the feeling then turn negative emotions into a positive force. You can do this, for example, be reminding yourself of your goals instead of being envious of others for their accomplishments.

Amp up your Vibes by: Carrying that sense of enthusiasm, passion and joy in your life and all that you do. Your inner light shines when you forgive and show compassion towards people who have hurt you.


Strengths: Thoughts are the key to creating reality. Positive thought and action raise your vibration and shape your reality the way you want it to be. You are naturally optimistic and when you act on your thoughts with the purest of intentions, you vibrate at a super high frequency. When you consciously choose to look on the bright side of life and see the good in everyone you are creating positive spirals of energy vibration wherever you go.

Weaknesses: You're a free spirit and you hate to be tied down. This can make you restless and boredom prompts you to taking foolish risks. You can also waste a lot of time being argumentative when you're feeling bored. Restlessness and impatience squanders your life energy. Before getting into an argument ask yourself whether it is really worth your energy. Next time you're about to take a risk, consider whether it will distract you from your higher purpose.

Amp up your Vibes by: Carrying out random acts of kindness every day. Babysit for a neighbour who doesn't get out very often, compliment a workmate in front of your boss, volunteer your time to a charity or nursing home. Spreading kindness contributes to the well-being of others' and elevates your own vibration.


Strengths: You are methodical and determined. When you work towards fulfilling your ambitions, you are making an effort to create your perfect reality and you resonate at a high vibration. You have a strong sense of duty and people know they can rely on you to fulfil your promises. Living with intention, keeps you focused and decisive and keeps your vibes high. This in turn will attract the circumstances and resources you need to fulfil your goals.

Weaknesses: You can be moody and pessimistic when things don't go your way. When you start feeling you never have any luck and nothing good happens to you, you are sending low vibration messages to the universe that you aren't expecting to succeed. Negative thinking is one of the most common causes of lower vibration emotions. Every time your inner critic voices doubt or disdain, replace negative thoughts with optimistic ones.

Amp up your Vibes by: Making the Laws of Attraction work for you by setting an intention, putting passion and energy into manifesting that intention and believing that things are going to go well. What expectations are you creating? Keep them positive.


Strengths: You are altruistic and visionary. You see trends before other people do, and respond early by working on solutions to solve problems. You are intuitive, focused and motivated by a desire to heal the world and make it a better place. Helping people raises your spiritual conscience. Your love light shines brightly, raising you to a high levels on the vibratory plane.

Weaknesses: You have a rebellious streak and can become too attached to ideas that are unworkable. The more stubborn you are, the lower your vibration becomes and the less creative and energetic you will feel. You need to know when to let go.

Amp your Vibes by: Reviewing your friendships regularly. People you spend most time with can elevate your energy vibration as much as it can bring it down and can have a big influence on the person you will become. Who are the five people you spend most time with? If they vibrate at a low frequency, you will struggle too, to keep your energy high.


Strengths: Gratitude is your attitude. You radiate at a high vibration and this is a sure-fire way to attract more good things into your life. Your sensitive and spiritual nature makes you highly intuitive. Having this direct link to your subconscious heightens your awareness and allows you make choices that come from your Higher Self.

Weaknesses: You have a magnetic energy which will attract friends who resonate with you at a spiritual level but also people who feed off your love and compassion. You feel other people's pain as if it was your own. When you're feeling low, you need to withdraw and ask Archangel Michael to use his mighty sword to help rid you of all negative energy you have soaked up from your environment.

Amp up your Vibes by: Your best path is to avoid being around people who vibrate low. Stay in the vibration of love by being conscious of how other people's energy affects you. If you feel like your relationships are bringing you down, say to yourself, "Delete and clear negative energy", then add a positive affirmation like "I am an open channel to receiving love and positivity from the Universe".

Final note for everyone to remember: Every thought, intention and action counts towards keeping your vibration high. You get back what you give out.



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