Mercury Retrograde Autumn 2021
The last Mercury retrograde of the year now begins. Mercury will be retrograde until October 16th/17th depending on where you live. We all know the associations of Mercury retrograde – delays, mixed-up communications, technological and transport problems etc but also could history repeat itself? – Last year in November, Mercury turned direct at 25 degrees Libra as we went into our second lockdown. Today, Mercury turns retrograde at 25 degrees Libra! It seems already our country has gone into a panic as was seen at the beginning of the coronavirus lockdown last year (at that time it was toilet rolls, this time it is petrol and diesel panic buying!) The message is: Don’t panic. There is no fuel shortage but are people listening?
Mercury will be linking to Jupiter and Pluto during this retrograde phase. It will trine (a positive link) Jupiter now and October 4th and November 1st. Mercury will square (tense link) Pluto on October 1st (and then again at the start of November). These planets together represent a push-pull feel to power, expansion, transformation. Pluto rules all things that are hidden and have been buried. Will this retrograde period bring secrets out into the open?
Mercury isn’t the only planet retrograde. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are also retrograde at this time. On 18th October Jupiter will turn direct. Could this be when whatever has been hidden will be brought into the light and the truth revealed?
During this retrograde phase, we all need to carefully consider new ideas put to us now as they could contain a lot of propaganda. Politicians who make their own rules will cause a lot of controversy and there will be more campaigns demanding that the public and societies have more choice.
All across the world, this will be a highly-charged time. People will be coming together not just because of their religious or political beliefs but in their desire for a more harmonious future, for fairness and economic justice. There will be an increased awareness of associations and partnerships set up to reduce violence and bring global peace. Peaceful protests may not however end as harmoniously as they begin. Events leading up to and leading away from this period are going to be heated and stressful for us all. This tense climate is likely to last for some time.
Big changes are starting to occur and the root of all the controversy, the whole world over, will be the struggle between power (Pluto) and truth (Jupiter.) What was taken for granted in the past, may not be so easily available now. There will be disruptions, disturbances and stoppages almost as a part of our everyday lives. Where we will continue to see advancements is in the area of technology. There will be revolts, riots and uprisings and this social unrest will continue as these two planets continue to make a series of similar links.
Saturn will turn direct in Aquarius on October 11th. Expect to see increasing demand for people to be paid a fair day's pay for a fair day's work. It will be the past that influences new policies and regulations that are now being formed and people will be expected to accept their responsibility to society and acknowledge there is no such thing as a 'free lunch.' Also as Jupiter turns direct on the 17th/18th there will be passion behind new ideas, and enthusiasm for events and procedures that capture the public's imagination. It might seem like any positive events are over-dramatized in an effort to inspire renewed hope and confidence. People will feel a need for a little fun and excitement in their lives and as Mercury links favourably with Jupiter early in November, it could well be that we will all catch a glimpse of the silver lining.