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Giving Psychic Readings

Giving Psychic Readings

It can be quite a challenge to give a psychic reading for a number of reasons. As well as learning how to recognise whether the energy you feel is right, you need to calm and quieten your mind and stop thoughts from intruding which is no easy thing. Before giving psychic readings it can help to have a good understanding of your inner self and your own energies. You might also want to learn how to recognise the energies of your guides and spirits so as to understand how to interpret what you are sensing, feeling, seeing and possibly hearing.

It can take years for some people to feel ready to give a psychic reading on a professional level. It is good to practice on friends or on groups (often it is easier giving readings to people you do not know because then you will know that your expectations and your own thoughts aren’t intruding on the reading).

Many people, when they first start giving readings will ask: “how do I know it isn’t my own thoughts? How do I know that what I’m getting is psychic?” The only answer is to practice until you understand the difference. When doing psychic and medium readings the thoughts will just come into your mind from out of nowhere. If the thoughts don’t relate to something you have seen, read or thought about lately then there’s a high chance they are coming to you psychically.

Giving psychic readings involves energy and it is therefore better to give readings when you feel relaxed and able to tune into your intuition. It can be enormously fulfilling to be able to help people through giving information and guidance through a reading. You might be able to sense things from a person’s past (or even past lives) that help them understand themselves better. You may be able to sense aspects of the present that will bring clarification or that may help give a person greater understanding of what they are going through.

Once you are aware of your psychic ability, directing this towards helping others is what most Lightworkers are called to do. Being psychic will usually mean you will in some way find yourself giving your life to helping others. Being so strongly aware of your psychic-self that you wish to work on this and develop it is a gift as this helps you become the eyes and ears to those who are not so open to spirit. – You are unique and you are special.

It may not be easy to give psychic readings and it can sometimes feel like a curse to be so strongly aware of your psychic side but there are also so many blessings. You have a direct link to the Universal/Collective Subconscious. You are more in tune with the mysteries of life and although none of us will ever have all the answers, it can be fascinating searching for them. You have an understanding that there are invisible energies around us that we can connect with and you have a gift you can use to be of service to others.

Before giving a psychic reading you should always ground, cleanse and protect. You should ask your guides/angels or whatever you believe in that the information you receive will only be for the highest good of yourself and others you are reading for. It can help to calm your mind and meditate before giving a reading as this can be the key to open the door to your psychic self. Everyone is unique and all psychics have unique talents. Giving psychic readings can provide a light for those who are in need of guidance.



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