Astrology of King Charles III and the Royal Family
A new King; a new era begins. How is this reflected in astrological terms? Scorpio King Charles III was born on November 14th 1948 in London. As we say goodbye to his mother, Queen Elizabeth II, we can look to astrology to gain a feel for what is/may be likely to come. The Queen is represented in King Charles' chart by the Moon in Taurus. The Queen’s Sun was in Taurus showing a particularly strong bond between mother and son. King Charles will continue to honour his mother’s legacy and commitment to the commonwealth while stretching himself by responding to change and surprise events in a way that will earn him a new kind of respect from the public.
With Pluto, planet of transformation on his Leo ascendant, Charles was destined to be king. His rule will be inspirational and transformational. He will continue to provide stability, seeking peace and reconciliation where it is needed with a firm yet gentle guiding hand.
For with Venus close to Neptune in Libra, King Charles will show a sensitivity and understanding of the mood of the public that will gain him respect and admiration. No longer able to voice his political views, the King, like his mother, will encourage people to think beyond the here and now. Our late Queen’s power transcended politics and the King’s will, too, but in showing a more accessible, warm and less regal face to the modern world, the King, in his infinite wisdom, will mould the monarchy in a way that will ensure its survival.
By his side, Cancerian Camilla, the Queen Consort, will continue to show her husband, the King, her unwavering support. With planets in Cancer, family is of the utmost importance to Camilla and both our King and new Queen will see the nation as their extended family. With grace and poise, dignity and discipline, Camilla will not put a foot wrong in public. Emotionally and spiritually it will take her time to relax into her new role but by this time, next year, she will have carved out her new path with extraordinary grace.
With four planets in her twelfth house, the area of her chart associated with secrets, institutions, the unconscious and past traumas, this 12th house stellium enhances her intuition and strong sense of spirituality. The bond between the King and new Queen is a one they will both feel transcends time, each likely to feel they knew each other in a past life. There is a lot to Camilla that the public have not yet recognised and may never will. Through her 12th house (which comes with a lot of baggage), she has lived through secrets, joined the Institution that is the royal family, dealt with much emotional upheaval and mastered her ego to find self-acceptance in humility.
Prince William, a Cancerian, following the example of his father and grandmother, will live a life of devoted service offering his steadfast and steady support to the new King and Queen.
With Neptune currently having strong influence over Harry’s chart, despite a tentative reunion between Harry and the royal family, it will take time … a lot of time … before this relationship is repaired. Harry will continue to perceive himself as being disconnected from his family. He may be encouraged, by Meghan, to seek counselling to help him through issues of confusion and dissociation as well as grief. Whatever may be expressed by the pair in the future, it will not be forgotten how the royal family reached out to Harry and Meghan during this, one of their family and the nation’s most painful moments. Scars run deep and astrologically, it looks like this royal rift is unlikely to be easily resolved.