Astrology and Psychology
Astrology in many ways can be likened to psychology. Both these ‘ologies’ have many different branches and contain a number of schools of thought. Within psychology there is Developmental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Clinical Psychology and Social Psychology to name but a few. Within astrology there is Natal Astrology, Mundane Astrology, Electional Astrology, Medical Astrology etc.
Some practitioners in astrology and psychology will prefer to take a scientific approach, others veer more towards spiritual and holistic concepts. Carl Jung, for instance incorporates symbolism, archetypes and the idea of the Universal Subconscious in his psychological theories.
For many astrologers, predicting events is not the most important side of their subject. Astrology can be used to help people understand themselves better, especially in times of stress and tension. Depending on the nature of the planets affecting a person's chart at a particular moment in time, the astrological counsellor can help determine the most appropriate ways of easing tension, dealing with difficult situations and utilising positive influences. Modern thinking tends to place emphasis on astrology for self-knowledge, rather than telling the future