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Astrology and Health

Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune and Pluto in Medical Astrology

Mercury and Health

Mercury represents the ability of man to separate his instinct by his reason; his intelligence. Depending on its position in a chart, it indicates a person's ability to communicate.

Whilst the left hemisphere of the brain (ruled by the Sun) controls the right side of the body and the right hemisphere (ruled by the Moon) controls the left side of the body, if this system fails, Mercury's communicative role can break down resulting in the right hemisphere of the brain not being aware of what the left was doing. Mercury is also associated with the nervous system, the thyroid gland and the lungs.

Illnesses related to Mercury are brain disorders, phobias, amnesia, mental exhaustion, dizziness and speech defects.

Traditional herbs associated with Mercury are bitter sweet for dizziness, marjoram for headaches, sore stomachs and coughs and spignal to help digestion and relaxation.

Venus and Health

Traditionally the planet Venus was associated with the bladder and kidneys, the throat and lumbar region. It is also associated with the parathyroid - four tiny glands which are responsible for regulating the body calcium; particularly important for the maintenance of bones and teeth.

Venus is also associated with the ovaries and genital regions. Illnesses relating to this planet are: head colds, urinary infections, fractures, stones in the kidney (sometimes caused by overactive parathyroid glands) and venereal disease. Traditional herbs associated with Venus are: thyme, to aid childbirth; shepherd's needle for head and stomach disorders and soapwort as a cure for veneral disease.

Mars and Health

Mars can be associated with the adrenals, which consist of two parts. One secretes hormones governing sodium and potassium balance, the sexual function and stress reaction; the other secretes adrenalin, a hormone that stimulates the nervous system. Mars rouses the body's energy to fight and protect. This planet is also associated with the muscles, blood pressure, fevers, wounds, scalds, red blood corpuscles and the kidneys.

Illnesses associated with this planet are: boils, blisters, appendicitis and diseases requiring surgery; angina, chest pains and high blood pressure.

Traditional herbs associated with Mars are: tooth cress to stop bleeding and heal wounds, thistle to fight poison and cool fevers and rosemary to help stop bleeding.

Jupiter and Health

Jupiter is associated with the body's largest and probably most complex organ, the liver. This organ produces bile, aiding the digestion of fats and plays an important role in the metabolism. Also connected with Jupiter ins the posterior pituitary gland, the gland which produces the hormone which makes the involuntary muscles of the uterus and breasts contract, and another hormone which regulates the body's water balance. This planet is also associated with the healing and general recovery of the body after illness. Other illnesses associated with Jupiter are: indigestion, jaundice, alcohol related illnesses congestions and kidney disorders.

Traditional herbs relating to this planet are: thorough-wax to help fight disease, succory for jaundice and swallow-wart to help fight of poisons, bites and stings.

Saturn and Health

Whilst Jupiter is related to the posterior pituitary gland, Saturn is associated with the anterior lobe. This gland produces the hormones which control body growth, milk secretion and thyroid function. Over activity of this front part of the gland can produce giants while underdevelopment produces dwarfs. Also connected with Saturn are the bones, skin and teeth, gall bladder and spleen.

Illnesses associated with this planet, depending on its placement are: bone fractures, depression, dental problems, loss of menstrual periods and chills.

Traditional herbs connected with Saturn are: Solomon's seal to help set broken bones, sloebush for indigestion and shepherd's purse for wounds and inflammations.

Uranus and Health

Uranus, planet of sudden change, is associated with the sympathetic nervous system and when afflicted, this planet could be connected with nervous breakdowns, spasms, paralysis and cramp. It is believed that homosexuality is also associated with this planet.

Other illnesses relating to Uranus are: sudden physical changes such as childbirth and the change of life, heart murmours, accidents and also electric shocks.

Neptune and Health

Neptune is associated with the thalamus, the part of the brain playing an important role in the stimulation of the senses. Damage to this area could cause uncontrollable laughing or crying and hypersensitivity. Psychological stimuli such as music can be associated with the thalamus. Also connected with this planet are the optic and aural nerves and the spinal chord.

Illnesses associated with Neptune are: obsesional fears, alcoholism, drug addiction, food poisoning, mental or emotional disturbances, anxiety and eye problems.

Pluto and Health

In medical astrology, Pluto (discovered in 1930) ruler of Scorpio, seems to be linked with the



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