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Are you psychic?

Who is psychic? Are some people more psychic than others, or could it be that some people are just more regularly in tune with their spiritual side? Have you had a psychic experience? No? Maybe you have without having realised it. Maybe you’ve experienced a feeling of déjà vu? Or you’ve known who was on the other end of the phone the moment it started to ring. You may have recently contacted a friend to be told they were just about to get in touch with you.


Psychic ability involves being able to sense what cannot always be seen with your physical eye or heard through your ears. It involves tuning into your inner voice and trusting your intuition. Some people are more aware of their sixth sense than others but this is an awareness that can be developed. Psychics and mediums are able to tap into their psychic ability to help others with their gifts.


One of the key necessities for tuning into your psychic abilities is switching off the mind and learning how to relax. If you don’t spend much time alone and there’s not much quiet in your life, it won’t be easy to tap into your inner resources. Before starting on an psychic work you need to learn how to become completely relaxed so you can shut your mind off sights and sounds around you. Meditation exercises will help.


A mother will often intuitively feel in tune with her children. Everyone has a degree of intuition: that small voice inside that might make you take one route home instead of another to discover later there was an accident on your normal route. Intuition is a guide through life helping people instinctively choose the right path when they need it if they just learn how to trust their instincts. You might get in touch with your intuition by paying more attention to your inner voice.


Practice is necessary for anyone who wants to develop their psychic abilities. There are a variety of books on the subject that might help you choose the technique that works best for you. There are also many excellent websites and online communities that will help with psychic development.

© Carole Anne 2010



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