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Angel Zodiac Messages for the autumn

Autumn Equinox Angel Horoscopes

The Sun is in Virgo, sign of the harvest and moves into Libra on the 22nd. Mercury and Mars are in Libra. Jupiter and Saturn are retrograde in Aquarius. Uranus is retrograde in Taurus. Venus is in Scorpio opposite Uranus. Pluto is retrograde in Capricorn and mystical Neptune is retrograde in psychic Pisces making quite a combination of practicality, spirituality, dreams and reality, endings and beginnings. Here are your Angel horoscopes for the time between now (the autumn Equinox) and Halloween.

Aries: Your Stars and the Angels are saying ‘nurture yourself’. Look after your health. You have given a lot of yourself to others lately and now it is time to give something to yourself. This isn’t being selfish. Your needs are important too. Take care of your body through detoxification and exercise. Get plenty rest and sleep. Take care of your needs as you would other people’s. Over the weeks ahead you will be reminding yourself of your long-term aims and feel more at peace within your mind and a stronger sense of purpose. Balance giving to others and giving to yourself. Honour your spiritual needs.

Taurus: The theme of your life is love: how love is being offered from the Angels, how you receive love and how you give love. Love pours from you with your light. You have the power to uplift others simply by being near them. You have a passion about you now and you feel confident about the intentions you are setting for the future. It is burning within you and although other aspects of your life may be standing till, you will continue on with this momentum of love you have already created. Through you words and actions you are generating love and attracting love and light in return.

Gemini: The angels are trying to restrain you from being too impulsive. You are wanting to run before you can walk. They are saying ‘patience Gemini, everything comes in its own time.’ Keep reminding yourself that everything happens when it is supposed to. Don’t try to make things happen with so many planets retrograde as this could cause frustration. A lesson to learn at this time is to distract yourself from a worry or a problem – have faith and trust that everything will work out as it should.

Cancer: Have confidence in yourself and no matter what other people might say, believe that the Angels are with you, supporting you and guiding you. There are people in your life who may not understand your spiritual beliefs. Don’t feel you have to justify yourself. Whatever you believe, these are your beliefs. Follow your heart and tell yourself “I am proud of who I am.” The angels know of all the challenges you have been through and want you to know, too, that you are a healer. Whether it’s your comforting company or you have healing hands, friends feel at ease in your presence. You can overcome challenges and work towards your final step on the road towards current goals.

Leo: The angels are guiding you to go outside and get some fresh air. Walks in the countryside or by the sea will help relieve stress. Please, give your worries and burdens to the angels. They want to thank you for bringing peace into situations and where there has been tension in relationships. They ask you to keep visualising everyone being cooperative and open minded. Trust any changes that come now and know that although some may have been difficult, they are necessary. Remember that the angels are there to help you but they can only do so if you request their assistance. So be sure to keep them in mind and they will eagerly jump in and continue to guide you.

Virgo: The Angels want you to know you are going in the right direction. The Angels and your heart has led you in this direction. It may not have been easy and you may have gone through some difficulties and some changes but know that this now puts you on the path where you are meant to be. You are making some wise and careful decisions, both for yourself and others. Trust that you are doing find and this will bring about the best outcome for you and all who are involved. You will be setting clear intentions and the Angels are backing you.

Libra: The Sun enters your sign on the 22nd; it is your birthday astrology period and you are entering a new chapter in your life. You are looking forward to what the future might bring and making great progress in your spiritual journey. As you learn and gain more knowledge, your confidence will be boosted. This is an amazing and magical time for you and the Angels want you to enjoy special moments. Much will be unfolding within you. You may not yet be fully aware of your gifts but please believe, you are coming on really well and you are in a process where your abilities are unfolding. … Meditate on the lotus flower. Trust your instincts.

Scorpio: There are a lot of angel sparkles and light around you. This is a beautiful, uplifting energy. The angels want you to feel more positive. Archangel Michael is giving you extra courage now to follow your inner voice. You may already feel his presence. You are feeling more connected with your spiritual journey and a stronger need to develop your spirituality. With this, you might find yourself in unfamiliar areas and for a while you might want to observe rather than take active part. The Angels are asking you to speak up and share your thoughts as this is a good way to learn from others. They will help you find the right words to express yourself. You might wonder when some things you say will seem to come out of nowhere … know that this has come from Angelic guidance.

Sagittarius: Athena is asking you to believe in your strength and your energy. You have the ability to be patient when you want to be (as sometimes you can be quite impulsive) and you can offer caring in your teaching and guidance of others. You have the ability to put people at ease and you may not realise how many of your friends respect your knowledge and wisdom. You are good at working alongside others and you will go far through your group and teamwork at this time. If you look back on the last year, you will see you have many achievements to be proud of.

Capricorn: Celeste is the Angel that is suggesting that you could be making a happy move over the months ahead. This could be to a new home, a new job or simply a change in direction in your spiritual or personal aims. Movement is on the cards and this change will be good for you. The destination you find yourself in may not be the original place you intended but please know that the Angels have chosen a better situation or circumstances for you to move into.

Aquarius: Omega tells you that you are accomplishing all you have worked hard for. You can see the value of hard work and steady effort. It is finally all coming together for you at this time of Harvest. You can see the virtual woods for the trees. Something you have been hoping for is working in your favour and you have a lot to be happy about. Well done, you should give yourself a pat on the back. The angels are applauding you for a job well done.

Pisces: Pay attention to your thoughts and ideas. If you have any questions, ask the Angels and these will be answered in your dreams and meditations. If sudden thoughts pop into your mind, please don’t discount these. Messages from the Angels could come in the form of thoughts that keep repeating, conversations with others or dreams. This is a wonderful time to work on your spiritual development. You inspire others with your amazing gifts.



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