Enhancing Wellness by Star Sign this Spring - Self-Improvement Options for Libra to Pisces

Which areas of life should the signs Libra to Pisces be targeting this spring and what kind of fitness activities might they benefit from?
Fitness, health and self-improvement program ideas to help the signs Libra through to Pisces feel happier and healthier this spring:
Self Improvement and Libra
Librans should not be discouraged if it takes more effort and energy than expected to bring improvements into their life. They don’t like to be harassed and will prefer to work towards self-improvement in their own time. Wellness programs that address feelings, moods, relationships and self-acceptance are recommended for Librans this spring.
Training Programs for Scorpio
Scorpios work hard and sometimes find it hard to take time off for relaxation. Regular exercise will be beneficial for them now. They might enjoy team challenges as this will also provide the social interaction that may be lacking when life is filled with responsibility. A training program that encourages Scorpio to take time off their busy schedule for exercise would be beneficial. Wellness programs that address physical fitness and nutrition are recommended for Scorpio this spring.
Spiritual Improvement and Sagittarius
Inner peace could be found for the Sagittarius through meditation and creative visualisation. This will also help them develop their willpower and self-discipline. Wellness programs that address spiritual improvement are recommended for Sagittarius this spring.
Mind Games and Capricorn
Activities and interests that stimulate the mind are good for Capricorns now. Games that stimulate their intellectual potential such as crosswords, word games, scrabble and memory training are what they should be focusing on. Wellness programs that address self-acceptance, intellectual habits and work satisfaction are recommended for Capricorns this spring.
Relationships and Aquarius
Relationships are important to Aquarians. Resolving issues that have caused tension in friendships or family recently, could make a big difference to their lives in the future. Part of understanding relationships is also having an intimate understanding of self; Aquarians are likely to feel more confident through recognising and accepting their limitations and setting personal boundaries. This helps them know too, where they stand in relationships. Wellness programs that address relationships: friends, work relations or community efforts are recommended for Aquarians this spring.
Self Improvement, Spiritual Health and Pisces
Pisceans can spend a lot of time soaking in the emotions, feelings and views of other people that they sometimes lose touch with their inner selves. Currently they should aim to get to know themselves better as this will help them become a more positive and empowered person. Recognising their strengths, weaknesses, talents and capabilities will also encourage Pisceans to make good choices in the future. Wellness programs that address spiritual health including religion and meditation are recommended for Pisceans this spring.
(photo: unsplash.com)