Connecting with Your Angels

Connecting with Angels Many people want to sense and feel Angels around them but find it hard to do this. There are many ways to connect with the angels and one is to spend time in nature.
This spring, while enjoying the sights, sounds, smells and colours of this lovely season, why not use some of the time you spend outdoors trying to connect with angelic energy.
You can do this while walking to work, when with the kids in the park, in woods and the countryside or beside the sea. If possible seek out a tranquil, quiet place where you are able to relax and feel Nature spirits surround you. As you walk, relax or meditate in a natural setting, allow your mind to wander. Let your thoughts go wherever they want to go and pay attention to these thoughts and feelings. You might want to write these down later. When you feel relaxed, try talking to the Angels. Believe they are there. Believe they are listening because they are.
You might talk out loud or talk to them in your mind. Ask them to help relieve your mind, body and spirit of any stress and negative energies that you may have absorbed recently from other places, people or situations you have been through. You might spend a wee while thinking about your future: your hopes for the short-term future and the long-term. Ask the Angels to help make your dreams come true.
The power of Nature surrounds you. Angelic light and love surrounds and protects you. Thoughts and prayers can be magnified by the power of nature. Relax. Enjoy. Sense the love and peaceful energy of the angels around you and within you. You will feel more relaxed and refreshed when you return home.