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Be Lucky - Power of Positive Thinking Think Positive and Change your Luck

To feel lucky you need a positive view of yourself, your present and future possibilities. It probably has nothing to do with luck when you feel down and miserable.

Everyone goes through bad times but when things are tough, it's not always easy to understand why. Some might fall into the habit of blaming it on luck. It's easy to think your quota of good fortune has run dry. But it's no use blaming luck and leaving it at that. For in doing so, you're basically giving up on the idea that things can change. Your luck has run out so what more can be said? Why not change this kind of outlook and take control of your life.

Lucky Charms

It probably has nothing to do with luck or lucky charms not working when you start feeling as if everything's going wrong for you. Maybe things haven't been wonderful in the past and nothing looks that brilliant right now. However, the more you feel sorry for yourself, the more low you will tend to become and the more pessimistic you are, the less chance you have of changing things for the better.

How to Make Wishes Come True

'Hope' is always an important factor when life gets you down. Remember that as long as you see things in dark colours, things will remain that way and you might miss the rainbow that's just around the next cloud. To deprive yourself of your hopes and wishes, and in trying to convince yourself they can never be, you might fail to notice the opportunities that are actually around you. You could end up building a shell around yourself and no-one can reach in while you refuse to reach out.

Luck versus Pessimism - Don't Give up on Your Dreams

But stop feeling so pessimistic. Maybe hoping and dreaming doesn't seem to be the practical solution but it IS a way out of the dullness. Don't give up on your dreams and don't think that nothing good is ever going to happen to you. Pull yourself out of it and make a promise to yourself that you're going to do something positive to make things better.

Change Your Luck

What can you do to change your way of thinking and attract better opportunities your way? You might:

Try a new hairstyle or buy some new clothes.

Pay more attention to your appearance and by looking good, you'll start feeling good too.

Try to show a more confident face to the world (even if you don't really feel that way).

Show others that you know that you CAN be successful if offered the right opportunity. And because they see a confident, determined and ambitious person, they just might be the ones to offer you the chance that changes your life. Just as, if you don't have a job and you're tired of looking, maybe that defeatism is starting to show when you're applying for jobs and attending interviews. Smile, look confident and assertive, let people see you really do believe in yourself and they will believe in you too.

Better Luck and Better Days Ahead

So, as much as you may be feeling 'down on your luck' you must also know that it doesn't have to stay that way. Maybe you're just stuck in a rut and it's easier to blame it on luck than to change your attitude and outlook and do something positive about it. Nobody backs a loser. But, if you can let others see that inside you feel you COULD be a winner, then your luck will start changing as your life just might take a turn upward on the Wheel of Fortune.

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