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Exercises to Help you Develop your Psychic Powers

Exercises to Help Enhance your Intuition

Children are often more in touch with their spiritual and psychic side than adults because they accept it so much more easily and don’t question. Once the analysis begins, adults tend to lose touch with their psychic-selves.

There are ways to learn how to develop intuition. These all involve spending quiet time alone to get in touch with your inner-being and this means: focus, concentration, belief, practice and dedication.

How to Create the Right Conditions for Psychic Development

* Avoid drugs and alcohol before doing any psychic experiments

* Wear loose, comfortable clothing

* Choose places where you feel relaxed and where there won't be any outside disturbances

* Avoid harsh lighting - candles often help create the right atmosphere

* A favourite scent can enhance your powers of concentration

* Unless your experiments involve other people, you will need to be on your own

* Meditation

In order to develop your psychic potential you need to still your mind and meditation is the best way to learn to quieten your mind. Meditation helps to relax the body and control thought. Thoughts will always be there but in a relaxed state, such as in meditation, the mind can be stilled and tranquil. It is at this stage that a more heightened awareness of spirituality is achieved. Psychic activity will take place on this level.

Exercise 1 - A Simple Breathing Exercise to Help Relax Mind and Body

For this exercise, you need to sit in a firm chair with your feet firmly on the ground to keep you in touch with the earth. Fold your hands loosely in your lap, relax and concentrate on your breathing. Count your breaths as you breathe in and out until you have taken 20 slow, deep breaths. If you lose count or if your mind starts to wander, go back to number one and start again. You must concentrate only on your breathing and think of nothing else. This exercise will help focus and train your mind as well as calm the body.

Exercise 2 - Mind Watch

Once you have mastered the breathing exercise, you will find your mind turning in on itself as awareness shifts from an external to an inward focus. You are now ready to watch your mind in action. You are the passive observer watching your mind work (rather like watching a dream) without you trying to influence your thoughts in any way. Relax, keep breathing deeply and observe all that is going on in your mind. There may be brief images, feelings or voices. Quietly observe. Then, when you finish this exercise, you might want to keep a record of the thoughts that run through your mind over a period of time. This is your first step to getting in touch with your psychic side.

Developing Your Psychic Powers

Developing your psychic side can help enrich your life by making you more aware of your subconscious mind, enhancing your spirituality and helping you to trust your intuition.

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