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Which Dog suits your Personality according to your Zodiac Sign

Which canine companion might be suitable for your personality and lifestyle? An active dog for instance might be more suitable for the energetic Fire signs Aries, Sagittarius and Leo. Venus-ruled signs are likely to prefer a more docile, cuddly companion. If you're looking for a dog, here are some dog breeds that might be suitable for your Sun Sign:

Aries - As an active Aries a high energy dog breed would suit you best. Your dog won't just be a pet to you but a friend, a hiking partner and a jogging companion. A medium sized breed would be better than those dogs that are smaller and may not be able to handle your sporty lifestyle. However if you are looking for a small dog, a Miniature Pinscher can be athletic with plenty stamina.

Dogs for Aries: Siberian Huskies are powerful dogs with incredible endurance. Staffordshire Bull Terriers are bold and fearless and can present you with a challenge in that they need firm handling. You might also consider Bernese Mountain Dogs and German Hunting Terriers.

Taurus - Taurus is a practical earth sign. You are hard working but you also enjoy leisurely past-times when you're in the mood to relax. An active dog breed may not be your best choice as you don't want your dog to be begging for exercise when all you feel like is curling up and watching TV. Some dogs are plain couch potatoes for instance most dogs in the toy group aren't really keen on too much activity. Dogs with soft silky fur will suit the Taurus personality while grooming sessions will help human and dog bond.

Dogs for Taurus: The Japanese Chin has a silky coat and gentle temperament. The King Charles Spaniel is a devoted companion with an affectionate nature and soft coat. You might also consider Maltese Terriers and Chihuahuas.

Gemini - Some dogs are more energetic than others and because you live an active lifestyle, a dog that likes to participate in family activities and enjoys varied experiences will be perfect for you. You might look for a dog that has a happy temperament and affectionate nature. It should enjoy being sporty and fit in well with most situations in which they are likely to accompany you.

Dogs for Gemini: Border Collies, Bedlington Terriers and Border Terriers make ideal companions for those who are always on the go. You might also consider Pugs and Springer Spaniels.

Cancer - You're likely to go for a sweet tempered breed that is good with children as family life is important to you and your dog will become one of the family. When choosing a dog, the one that will attract you will be friendly; possibly the shy puppy hiding in the corner that shows no aggressive tendencies. You have a spiritual nature and will like to feel you have a spiritual link with your canine companion.

Dogs for Cancer: The Papillon will be an intelligent and friendly companion and are said by some to have extra sensory perception. Basset Hounds are unlikely to be aggressive but they can be wilful. You might also consider Old English Sheepdogs and Irish Water Spaniels.

Leo - Your ideal dog will have a happy and extrovert nature. You should be able to trust them when they are left on their own as you can't be with your dog all of the time. Yet when you are together, it should be willing to please. A dog that draws attention to itself and its owner will suit your personality. An adorable pedigree pooch that would win any dog competition would delight you. Also, any physical activity that you enjoy, you will want your dog to enjoy it with you.

Dogs for Leo: Cavalier King Charles Spaniel are always pleasing to look at and affectionate although they cannot be left alone for too long. You might also consider Pekingese, Chow Chows, Eskimo Dogs and St Bernards.

Virgo - The first question to ask yourself is: do you want a puppy or an adult dog? If you decide on a puppy, choosing a one that is already house-trained might be better for Virgos who like to keep their homes spotless. Dogs with coats that do not shed are also ideal for you or you will always seem to have a vacuum going. Owning a pet can be good for your health when having a dog you will extend your exercise program and thus extend your lifestyle.

Dogs for Virgos: Sheep dogs are always looking for a job and something to do and this is something you can relate to. You might also consider Siberian Huskies, Lakeland Terriers and Miniature Poodles.

Libra - It shouldn't be too small or too large. A medium-sized dog will be just perfect for those who were born under the sign of the Scales. Your dog should be well proportioned, easy to train and friendly. Sporting dogs like retrievers and spaniels are active, friendly and intelligent and would suit your personality.

Dogs for Librans: Golden Retrievers are kind, friendly and confident. Poodles as whatever their size, their appearance is always well balanced and elegant. You might also consider Dalmations and Staffordshire Bull Terriers.

Scorpio - Scorpios will appreciate dogs that are passionate and tough. You have no problems with pets that need regular attention because you wouldn't take them on unless you are serious about your commitment. You might also go for breeds that are intelligent, alert and faithful.

Dogs for Scorpios: Terriers are tenacious. Jack Russell or Cairn Terriers are dogs that really go for it when they're set a challenge. You might also consider Springer Spaniels, German Short-haired Pointer, German Shepherds and Afghan Hounds.

Sagittarius - You have a huge respect for animals and are likely, at some time in your life, to volunteer to help dog or animal rescue organisations. Or at least you will think about it. You have a versatile nature and you like to travel so ideally your dog will be a good companion that adapts well to new environments. Dogs with long coats may not be suitable if you live in a warm place and intend to take them jogging. Short coat breeds won't get as hot.

Dogs for Sagittarius: Whippets, grey hounds and Afghan Hounds are born to run and have amazing amount of speed at their disposal. You might also consider Jack Russell Terriers and Irish Setters.

Capricorn - Without a doubt yours will be a well-trained dog. You need a dog that is robust and faithful. There are so many dogs to pick from and you will take your time about choosing a one that suits your lifestyle and your dog's. You might appreciate a dog with stamina that has a biddable temperament too.

Dogs for Capricorns: The Miniature Schnauzer will be a sturdy and reliable companion. You might also consider Boxers, Staffordshire Bull Terriers and Great Danes.

Aquarius - Taking on a stray may be a challenge but it is a one you would be prepared to take up. You would take re-homing a dog seriously and will be honest about your suitability as any pet's owner. You will admire graceful animals that enjoy their exercise and freedom but they need to be affectionate too.

Dogs for Aquarius: The Lhasa Apso is a joyful and assertive dog but they can be aloof with strangers. Their personality needs an owner who understands them and that owner could well be an Aquarian. The Bullmastiff is active and powerful with a high-spirited nature that needs firm handling. The Czechoslovakian Wolfdog will appeal to your desire for a breed that is unusual. This dog has many wolf-like characteristics. You might also go for Hounds or Spaniels.

Pisces - As a Piscean, size doesn't matter. What's more important to you is that you feel a bond with your pet and it has a gentle personality to suit your sensitive nature. Your canine companion should be intelligent and adaptable but most importantly, affectionate and loving and good with children if there are youngsters in your family.

Dogs for Pisces: Salukis or Arabian Hounds are hunting dogs so they will need plenty exercise but they are also sensitive and reserved in nature needing a special kind of owner who will understand this. You might also go for St Bernard, Golden Retrievers and West Highland White Terriers.

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