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An introduction to Astrology (1) The Sun in a Natal Chart

Aspects of the Sun in a Natal Chart and how to Interpret the Sun in a Horoscope

Even those who do not know much about astrology will be familiar with their Sun sign and that’s because of all the planets, the one to be in a specific sign between specific dates is the Sun.

It is therefore possible to determine, within 30 days or so, a person’s likely birth-date from their Sun sign. A Taurean for example is someone who has the Sun in Taurus and this covers a period from around April 21st to May 21st each year. A Leo is someone who has the Sun in Leo in their natal chart and this covers the period from around July 23rd to August 23rd each year.

Those born on the cusp (for example someone who was born on April 21st) often wonder what their true Sun sign might be and this can only be determined by an astrologer calculating the position of the Sun from the time of birth.

The Sun, principal life-giver of the universe, in a natal chart, represents the basic self; the will of the individual, a person’s willpower and life’s purpose. The Sun in a horoscope will give indication of ego identity, relationships, interests, personal leadership and drive.

Every planet rules a sign and is strong in that sign; the Sun rules the fixed sign Leo. People with the Sun in Leo are outgoing, cheerful and dignified. They easily draw attention to themselves and will often be found at the centre of attention just as the Sun is at the centre of the universe.

All aspects in a chart should be weighed up against each other and must be considered with the positions of the planets in the signs and houses in mind.

When the Sun, in a natal chart, is positioned at the same degree of, or very close to another planet, it is said to be conjunct that planet. Conjunctions of the Sun will highlight a person’s willpower and how the energy of the Sun combines with the energy of the planet or planets close by.

Trines and sextiles of the Sun (120 and 60 degree aspects between points in a chart), depending on which planet the Sun links with, will give an indication of how a person’s creative potential might unfold. These aspects give an idea of outlets from which a person can benefit. Although signifying areas of ease and harmony in a chart, too many trines and sextiles can also pinpoint areas of weakness.

Frustrations and difficulties in expressing individual drive are shown by squares (90 degree aspects) to the Sun in a natal chart. These are the challenges and obstacles that the individual has to work at to overcome in life. Squares and oppositions help build character when helped with a balance of trines and sextiles. Too many squares and oppositions can indicate areas of immense frustration and difficulty. Those who believe in reincarnation will look to the squares in a chart to determine lessons that need to be learned that have been carried over from a previous life.

Areas of conflict are shown by oppositions of the Sun in a natal chart. As the name of this aspect suggests, any planet in a horoscope that falls directly opposite the Sun will be in opposition to the Sun.

The Sun is exalted in Aries which makes it strong in this sign. It is in its fall in Libra (the opposite sign to Aries.) The Sun is in its rulership when it falls in the sign Leo and is in its detriment when in Leo’s opposite sign, Aquarius.

(First Published: Helium Articles 2013)

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