How to Discover your Animal Spirit and What is your Animal Spirit Guardian
If you collect cat or tiger ornaments or you feel drawn to buying paintings of elephants or horses, it may well be that you are working with your animal spirit guide. Many religions worship animals or hold them as sacred beings. The cow, for instance, in Hindu mythology is considered to be the living symbol of the earth mother and is mother to all. Ancient Egyptians held cats in high regard and the first feline Egyptian goddess had the body of a human and the head of a cat. The lion-headed goddess Sekhment controls the tablets of Destiny and the importance of cats in the Egyptian religion is symbolized by the abundance of decorated statuettes found in excavated tombs. Native Americans used animal characters as a symbol to express the nature of their tribes. Some religions believe people are born with an animal spirit guide, each with their own attributes that will help teach and guide the person through the whole of their life. Other religions believe that people have a number of spirit guides throughout their life depending on what they are going through, the appropriate animal spirit will come to them and assist them in their needs. Each animal or bird had a mystical and spiritual meaning attached to it. The Tiger for instance has power and strength and might come to people in times of challenge and adversity. The fragile butterfly was believed to have the power of reincarnation and transformation and could help in a person’s spiritual development or when they are going through a period of change. In the 21st Century, people continue to draw on the energy of animals and birds. You might find yourself buying a painting of a herd of elephants or a bracelet adorned with dolphins or butterflies. It is believed we feel drawn to the spirit energy of certain animals and this is our animal spirits working in our lives. If you’re curious as to your animal spirit guide, you might try this meditation: Find a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed. Play some music in the background if it helps you relax. Close your eyes. As you relax imagine you are in a field. Start walking until you find the natural habitat of your spiritual animal starting to emerge around you. It may be a forest, a lake, the sea. Stay calm and relaxed and wait for your spirit animal to appear. When it does, try to talk to your spirit animal. Ask questions. Take note of all words that spring into your mind. When you are ready to end the exercise, say goodbye and thank your animal spirit. Afterwards, it’s worth writing down what you saw. Animal spirits can also come to people in their dreams. If you find yourself, for instance, often dreaming of wolves, bears or tigers, do some research and find out the characteristics of the animal that is guiding your life path.