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Beltane Fire Festival


Beltane is one of four Celtic fire festivals during the year, falling between the Spring Equinox and the Summer Solstice. Bonfires were lit and feasts enjoyed throughout the country. Beltane marks the start of summer in the ancient Celtic calendar. At this time, animals were moved to summer pastures.Fire cleanses and rejuvenates both the land and the people. Bonfires marked this time of purification and they were also believed to ensure fertility to the people and animals.

Animals would be driven between two bonfires lit by Druids to cleanse them of evil spirits and to ward off disease. The ancient Celts would leap over the Beltane fires for purification and fertility.On the Eve of May 1st, fires in homes were extinguished and two Beltane fires were lit by the Druids.

After animals had been led between the fires to cleanse them, there would be dancing and feasting well into the night. On the celebration of the great Wedding of the Goddess and the God (or the Green Man with Mother Earth) this was traditionally a time for handfasting. During the night couples would slip away into the woods to search for a Maypole although that isn’t all they would be doing in the woods! (Babies born from a Beltane union were thought to be blessed by the Goddess.)

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