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Do you have the gift of healing?

Do you Have the Gift of Healing?

You might feel drawn to learn more about alternative therapies. You may even feel impelled to study healing areas you are most interested in. You might sense you have healing abilities but often wonder ‘where do I go from here?’ This is a question many people ask. Here are a few hints if you find yourself in this position.

Healing is the highest form of service and in order to develop your healing ability you should have a desire to serve others in all ways, no matter how small or menial. For instance just by little acts of kindness whenever the opportunity arises, whether this is carrying someone’s shopping for them, buying a stranger a hot drink on a cold day or spending time listening to someone who needs a friendly ear.

This is often how those who are aware of their healing abilities begin. You might find yourself moving on to doing volunteer work, helping with fund-raising events or joining a charity to help make a positive difference.

If you wish to be the very best kind of channel for healing energy, it is also important to work on yourself as an individual. Are you caring, understanding and able to listen with a sympathetic ear without making any judgements? Reflect on those things you don’t care for in yourself and try to overcome these until you can look at your life and know that as far as you are able, there is total love and harmony in your everyday dealings with others.

In practical ways, you might attend classes, training courses and workshops on healing, or sign up for an on-line course. You could find out more by doing your own research or you might read books on the subject. It might help at this stage to read all you can on alternative therapies and this will clarify many things for you including where your real interests lie, and make the subject easier to understand. At the same time always remember that whatever you read or are told: keep an open mind.

As well as practical help, you may need to prove to yourself that you have the gift of healing. First of all, bear in mind that the healing power isn’t within you – it doesn’t come from you, but through you. You are the channel for healing energy. If you think of yourself as an electric wire with one end plugged into Universal, healing energy and the other into a person who needs to receive healing, you won’t go far wrong.

There are many different types of energy healers and many different ways to send healing. If you would like to give distance healing, here is one method:

You might ask a friend or relative who is in need of healing if they will allow this. It will help, at first, to choose someone you can quietly monitor so you can ask every now and again how they are.

Find a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed. Sit quietly and when you are comfortable, take about ten slow, deep breaths. Focus on your breathing and this will help to relax you before you begin.

Picture the person in your mind. Name them and send out loving and sincere prayers for healing to come to that person. If it helps, call on Archangel Raphael to help bathe them with love and healing light. You might visualise them as being wrapped in a blanket of green healing energy. Don’t work too hard at this, just be sincere. If you find it hard to visualise the person, setting the intention and trusting the Universe to send healing will work. Imagine it just like when we write an email, we press the send button and it is received. We don’t think about how it gets there but it does.

When you are ready, thank the angels and the Universe for the healing then put it out of your mind especially if you have doubts as this could prevent the healing from taking place. … Trust. … Repeat this every day for as long as you feel is necessary.

Don’t be put off if nothing happens the first time. Remember that the healing energy will help and it certainly won’t do any harm. Spiritual healing is not faith healing. It can relieve children, animals and people with no belief in healing or God, which eliminates faith as a factor. Not everyone responds to healing; for some the time is not right for them to be healed but whatever the difficulties, you will know that you have made an effort to bring healing and comfort to those who may need it.

Energy healing is a complimentary form of healing which should not exclude regular medical or psychological treatment. It is recommended that anyone who is concerned about their health should approach a health care professional.

Be patient. The Universe knows you want to be of service and when you are truly ready, you will be guided in the right direction.

© Carole Anne

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