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Psychic Phenomena


Exploring How the Unconscious Mind Manifests Paranormal Phenomena

ESP, Telepathy, Psychic Healing and Premonitions are just some of the amazing products of psychic ability.

Many people have experienced some kind of psychic phenomena in their life but have dismissed it as being merely ‘coincidence’. There are many ways that psychic powers can show themselves. Some people hear voices, see visions or get strong feelings about things. Some people are in touch with their psychic side through their dreams. Here are just a few of the different ways psychic ability can be manifested:

Clairvoyance and clairaudience

Clairvoyance or ‘second sight’ describes the ability to see into the future. Examples of famous Clairvoyants are Nostradamus and Mother Shipton. They are people who can ‘see’ what others cannot see. Often the clairvoyant will draw on images of the past to visualise what may occur in the future. The crystal ball is sometimes used by clairvoyants to tell the future. It is a rare psychic ability. Clairaudience describes the ability to hear voices that have no practical explanation. This is not a voice that comes from within but these voices seem to come from outside the individual. Joan of Arc, who heard voices that ordered her to deliver France from the English invasion, is an example of a famous clairaudient.


Psychometry is a means of picking up psychic impressions from an object such as a ring, watch, necklace or cufflink. You might want to try this for yourself. As you hold the object in your hand and focus your mind, you might receive pictures or impressions that relate to its owner or to past owners.

The theory behind this is that objects gradually absorb energy over a period of time and by tuning into this energy, you are tuning into the history of the object.


Psychokinesis (PK for short) is a term describing different forms of mind-over-matter such as metal bending, moving objects and having any kind of influence over matter by the mind. This includes paranormal happenings in the home such as objects mysteriously moving or disappearing and paranormal rapping. There have been many scientific investigations into PK.

For instance, when Uri Geller first appeared on television in 1973 bending forks and spoons by the power of his mind, there was a spate of PK in homes all over Britain as people discovered that they too had these strange mental powers. For four years Uri Geller took part in supervised experiments in different laboratories and his strange powers were pronounced as 'totally genuine". Even now, whenever Uri appears on the television, people speak of watches mysteriously stopping or starting and other bizarre happenings in their homes.

Experiment 1 - Psychometry

You might like to first try this experiment on a friend. Ask for an item that has belonged to them for some time and preferably, something that has been in regular contact with their skin, such as a watch. Hold the object in your hand and close your eyes. Relax and as impressions come into your mind, speak these out loud. There might be a colour, a place, a face or a feeling. It is important that your friend does not try and interrupt or distract you while you are talking. If you receive nothing, then say so.

It may take some time to develop this exciting psychic ability so be willing to put in a lot of practice.

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