Develop your Psychic Ability

Psychic ability is the ability to see and hear beyond the material; to ‘tune into’ life’s secrets. By developing your psychic powers, you are in fact, expanding your mind and perceptions and by being more aware of the workings of the Universe, you can learn how to interpret and express inner truth. Nature has her own language. All creatures and objects have their own vibration; a ‘language’ of their own. Psychic ability is the skill to tune into the language of the Universe and its life energy.
It is believed that everyone has some degree of psychic ability, even if they aren’t aware of this. Have you ever found yourself acting on intuition and then being grateful later, that you trusted your instincts? Psychic ability can be developed and again, some people will see results surprisingly quickly whilst others will have to be more patient. In order to develop your supersense, look after your body. Be wise about what you eat. Cut down on sugar, white flour and coffee. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables daily and exercise regularly. These will help clear the body and ease meditation. Meditation is one of the best ways to start developing your psychic ability. Choose quiet times and peaceful places. Find an object to focus on: a gem or crystal, a tarot card, a candle flame. Relax. It might take some time before you start seeing images in your mind’s eye, but persevere. With patience and practice, the Universal Energy will start to flow.