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How Angels can Help Balance Your Chakras

How Angels can Help us Balance our Chakras

Which Angels might we call upon to help us re-align our Chakras?

Each Angel has a vibrational quality and qualities that can help us heal our Chakras.

Root Chakra: The Root Chakra is all about our connection with the earth, grounding, our physical self and our need for survival. Archangel Sandalphon is the ruling Angel and Protector of Earth. He teaches us to take a realistic view of this world and to balance reality with spiritualty. This Angel provides us with a bridge between Heaven and Earth by carrying our prayers to God so they can be answered. He can help us with our connection to nature.

Sacral Chakra: The Sacral Chakra is located just below the naval. This Chakra helps us dispel inhibitions and is associated with creativity, sexual identity and the reproductive system. It can increase energy when it is cleansed. This Chakra governs our self worth and our relationships with other people. Archangel Haniel can help us to be gracious, to include more harmony in our lives and relationships and to express our creativity and sensuality. Archangel Chamuel can provide comfort and love, helping us to love ourselves as we cannot truly love others until we are able to love ourselves.

Solar Plexus Chakra: Archangel Michael can be called on to help us gain courage and strength. This Archangel will provide protection and can help us cleanse our Solar Plexus Chakra. He will clear the path of obstacles and provide us with the courage to battle on during difficult times in our lives. He can also help protect us against psychic attacks and negative energy that might cling to our aura.

Heart Chakra: Archangel Raphael is the Archangel who supervises healing. He aids in our own healing and he supports healers all over the world. Archangel Raphael can help heal addictions and He can help with our spiritual journey in search of guidance and truth. His colour is green and the colour associated with the Hart Chakra is green. This colour aids our natural health and helps revitalise our bodies. The Heart Chakra provides a bridge between the lower three Chakras (material/physical) and the upper three Chakras (spiritual). Archangel Raphael can help us keep our mind, body and spirit healthy.

Throat Chakra: Archangel Michael can be called on to help us release our doubts and fears and to assist in cord cutting or ending ties with people, places and situations that are no longer useful or beneficial to us.

Brow Chakra: Archangel Uriel, the Angel of Peace brings divine light into your life. This Angel can help heal painful memories and recover from disappointment. He will assist in releasing blocks to forgiveness helping us deal with resentment and anger. Archangel Uriel will help us to shine light into other people’s lives as well as illuminating our own path. Call on Archangel Uriel when you feel agitated, angry, resentful or in need of inner peace and stillness.

Crown Chakra: Archangel Zadkiel is the Angel of the violet seventh ray and will help purify through invocation (the act of calling upon God for intercession.) This Archangel , the Angel of Benevolence and Mercy can enhance the powers of compassion, forgiveness, mercy and freedom. Archangel Christiel can help you keep your Crown Chakra cleansed and open so you are fully connected to the Universal Life Force.

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