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How to Interpret your Dreams

Dream Interpretation – How can you interpret your own dreams

Our dreams take place in our subconscious. Our subconscious thinks in the form of ‘symbols’ . Symbols will trigger a conscious response when we see them, for instance, if we see a lion and we are asked what character trait would you attribute to a lion, many people will respond with: brave, courageous, mighty, leadership. A ‘river’ might represent the flow of life. A dove might represent peace.

Symbols can mean different things to different people and that’s why although it is possible to analyse another person’s dream and often our analysis will help the dreamer understand the underlying messages within the dream, if the dreamer looks more deeply into their dreams and what each symbol means to them, this can be tremendously revealing.

When we dream, the message/meaning within the dream is encoded in these symbols. To understand your subconscious symbols, you need to consider each symbol, your reaction to it and what it means to you.

So, next time you dream, write down your dream. Now you will be setting up two columns. On the left write a list of key aspects within the dream. Then go back to this list and alongside every word on the left (symbol) write what you associate with this symbol. Write what comes to you, don’t spend too long thinking about it. So for instance if in a dream you saw:

“A red bird sitting in an oak tree that swooped down onto a fence then as it flew away the fence disappeared and there was a beautiful blue ocean”

You might list the words: Red, Bird, Oak Tree, Swoop, Fence, Flying, Disappeared, Blue, Ocean

Then alongside them your associations i.e. Red – warning, passion, energy. Bird – free, link between heaven and earth, new perspective. Oak Tree – stability, health, tradition, nature. Fence – hemmed-in, trapped, boundaries. Flying – freedom. Disappeared – vanished, gone. Blue – sea, emotions, sky. Ocean – emotions, peace, the sea of life.

Once you have made your list and analysed your symbols, take another look at the words you have used in the second column. You might notice some are saying something similar. Focus on these words and try to analyse them together. What do they say to you?

For instance, in the above, the red bird might bring a warning of some kind and indication of energy building which could, if acted on, bring a sense of freedom, spiritual renewal. There may be a longing for stability but has this kept you restricted (fence) in your thinking and actions, too grounded perhaps when there is now a need to ‘let go’ and fly. If you are able to ‘let go’ and break out of this rut in your thinking or habits, the restrictions (fence) will vanish and there will be a sense of inner-peace (ocean) and freedom (flying).

Like all aspects of psychic and dream work it takes time and practice but if you really want to know the meanings of your dreams, you can do this if you’re willing to put in the effort.

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