Are you in a love based or fear based relationship?

What drives your relationship?
Are you happy in your relationships? Do you look forward to your joint future and feel excitement for all the wonderful things you might one day do together? Or are you facing each day with uncertainty, wondering and hoping that things between you and a partner will get better, hoping your situation will change?
Is there emotional, spiritual and mental support in your relationship? Or are you living in the past, remembering all the good times you shared and hoping one day there will be a repeat of them? If so, you are there physically, but you’re living your life in another place; you’re off somewhere else in your thoughts. – Living in the past, stops you from finding happiness in the here and now.
Love makes you feel alive. You’re both on the same page and are honest with each other. Communication between you is open and clear and loving actions reinforce loving words. If you are in a love based relationship, you feel confident within the relationship and trust each other. You have faith in your partner. There is no distrust. Love is the glue that keeps you together. Love is heart-based. There’s a big difference between love and lust.
If you feel worried, stressed and have negative thoughts about your relationship, you are living in a fear based relationship. There is no compatibility between love and fear.
Signs you are in a fear based relationship
* You feel nervous and uncertain when with your partner and unsure of their feelings.
* You constantly try to think and act in a way to avoid their negative responses.
* You argue a good percentage of the time or ignore each other.
* You imagine and plan the time you are going to leave this relationship but you can’t act on it because you’re afraid of the repercussions.
* You keep your thoughts and feelings to yourself
* You’re always trying to please your partner and they seem to take this for granted
* You criticise each other and remind each other of old grudges.
* Your partner makes you feel intimidated.
All relationships have their ups and downs and it is rare a couple will not have the occasional argument. But true love does not allow anger, resentment or jealousy to take hold. True love strives to find a solution. True love nurtures and forgives.