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Mercury Retrograde 12 August - 5 September, 2017

August 12th and Mercury is now retrograde. Three or four times a year this planet of communication goes retrograde (looks as if it is moving backward in the skies). During these times anything associated with this planet might bump into problems, setbacks or delays. That’s why negotiations can seem to come to a standstill during Mercury retrograde phases, there are more transport delays, paperwork gets held up, post (mail) is late or undelivered, computers and internet problems slow us down and misunderstandings can be expected.

Mercury’s message for everyone at this time is to pause, hold back, reflect and consider. Check everything is in order before setting off on your holidays; re-read legal documents or ask for more time to consider it before entering long-term deals. Don’t rush into anything. Be patient and if you’re uncertain, wait and see what happens.

This 25 day retrograde phase is in the middle of two eclipses. This is offering us a chance to research, reflect, get to the root of any issue or problem that is holding us back in preparation for major changes to come. In addition to changes going on around us, we might look on this as a cleansing process that helps clear away mental, emotional and spiritual blockages to bring us back into balance. So, don’t be surprised if between now and September 5th you feel irritable, fatigued, anxious or detached for no apparent reason. You’re just working through old hang-ups and things that are holding you back to open you to new possibilities. Letting go does not mean you stop caring but it will mean you accept it is time to walk away from areas causing you negativity, so you can be free to start over.

How can you make positive use of this retrograde phase and which area of your life might you feel its effects most?

Aries – Health and work – go for a health check, make lifestyle changes to improve your health. Consider: does your job make you happy? Learn how to protect your health. Visit a lonely person. Meditate.

Taurus – Hobbies, children and romance – reflect on whether you are happy with your love life? How can you be more creative? Are you spending enough time with your family? Are you in touch with your inner child? Praise a child.

Gemini – Home and childhood – Do you spend enough quality time with your family? Let go of guilt from the past. Release the past and live in the now. Allow only good memories to inhabit your present. Repair something in the home. Call a relative you haven’t seen in some time. Research your family history.

Cancer – Communication, deliveries, thinking patterns - Consider how you might improve your communication skills. Do you need to be more assertive? Learn how to say ‘no’. Search out a long lost friend. Get to know your neighbours.

Leo – Income, self-esteem and hidden talents - Practice the things you enjoy to discover your true talents. Give yourself a compliment. List ten things you do really well. Do something new. Sign up for a workshop. Clear out your purse and handbag.

Virgo – Self-image, self-awareness and personality – Keep reminding yourself that you are unique and special and believe that you are successful in everything you do and say. Give yourself permission to do what you know is best for you. Break a habit.

Libra – Spiritual development, subconscious secrets – Love yourself unconditionally, just as you are now. Listen to the rain and sounds of nature and reconnect with Mother Earth.

Scorpio – Groups and communities; hopes and wishes – Volunteer some time for a worthy cause. Join a group of like-minded people. Help other people to do their best.

Sagittarius – long-term goals and ambitions – Learn something new. Pick up some travel brochures. How can you get back on track when you reach an obstacle?

Capricorn – Education, religion and travel - Sign up for a class. Engage in POSITIVE self-talk. Affirmation: Every day I am realising new abilities and talents.

Aquarius – Property, legal matters, wills and investments – Think positively about money. Keep a look out for new financial opportunities. Affirmation: My life is full of abundance.

Pisces – Contracts, partnerships (marriage and business), one-to-one relationships – Be patient with people who annoy you. Forgive yourself and your loved ones for past mistakes. Don’t look for who to blame but how you can make it better. Correct mistakes where possible.

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