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What is Past Life Memory?

Have you lived before? This is the first question to ask before considering the concept of past life memory and there are three possible answers: Yes, No or I don’t know. Those who emphatically disagree with the idea of reincarnation aren’t likely to even contemplate the possibility of past life memories. Others are open-minded and willing to consider the idea of past life memories even if they have no recollection of previous incarnations. Some truly believe in reincarnation and may even recall having lived before. The concept of reincarnation is shared by mystical practices and religions the world over including Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism, Australian aborigines, modern Wiccans and some New Age movements. This is all about the idea that everyone has had a past life and Karma from past life experiences transfers to this current incarnation. There are a number of techniques to help people remember their past lives and these include hypnosis, rebirthing, psychoanalysis, consulting a psychic, dreamwork and even magical spells. Remembering past lives can be good as this might help you heal emotional and psychological scars from this life and any lives that have come before. You might understand why you are who you are and how past conditioning has led you to react and feel the way you do. This can help you break out of negative patterns. Remembering past lives can be exciting as you might notice how many of the people you now know actually shared experiences with you in the distant past beyond the life you are living now. Some memories may be blissful, others could however involve traumatic or disturbing experiences that aren’t so pleasant to remember. So what should also be considered before any attempt is made to take a trip into the past is that these memories could be as distressing as they are exciting. Even if we have lived before and have had multiple past lives, could there not be a good reason why we can’t remember them now? Could it not be possible that our memories have been wiped of all that has gone before for a specific purpose: to protect our emotional and psychological well-being. Because it may well prove to be a traumatic and disturbing experience for some experiences to be recalled. Perhaps we begin a new life with a new slate and new opportunities. Perhaps deep within our subconscious lies the key to our past lives. And even if still living by the rules of Karma, it is up to us to find a way to fulfil our Destiny by trusting instinct And doing our utmost to learn from the lessons this current lifetime brings.

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