Do you feel your life is going nowhere? - Setting Goals and Objectives
Do you feel your life is going nowhere? – Setting Goals and Objectives
Many people feel as if they’re drifting along yet going nowhere. They aren’t necessarily leading a lazy life. They may in fact be working very hard and yet they’re stuck in a rut and not moving forward.
One reason for this is that they may not have set any long-term goals. Setting goals gives you something definite to aim for. You can choose the paths that might take you to your goal and you will feel as if you are moving towards a destination.
Once you focus on your goals, you might also find that the journey proves fun as the path you take sometimes changes with diversions adding entertainment, excitement and interest to your plans.
It’s like when you’re driving to a fixed destination but there may be detours, eating breaks, breaks to admire the scenery, the car might break down, you might take a detour to visit friends along the way. Without a goal you may have not experienced all these different destinations that will take you to your final goal.
Are you impatient, reckless, wanting to reach your aim quickly? Might careless mistakes cause delay? Or will you patiently take your time? There will be obstacles to get around, people you may have to negotiate with or traffic problems that will cause everything to slow down. At times like these you might use these pauses to consider you are on the right path. Obstructions you meet help you develop patience. Patience to control your emotions and to consider alternative ways around obstacles or other people who may be bad drivers, going too slow or placing obstacles in your way.
Once you’ve set your goal, you can give it your all but there may still be times when there are delays, either your car breaking down, traffic diversions, getting stuck in rush-hour traffic. The challenge is for you to stay focused on where you are heading.
Are you stuck in a rut? Are you stuck in the past? Do you daydream about the future but do nothing about it. It is your choice whether you move forward. You can think about something for years and years yet do nothing to move forward. You can talk about your dreams for years and years, yet never take action to make them come true. Or you can set a decision, take action and work towards it.
Is today the day to set new goals?
Think about what you really want out of life in the future. Close your eyes and spend time imagining where you want to be in ten years’ time. This helps you identify your large-scale goals.
Now break these down into smaller targets that will help take you to your final destination (imagine looking at a map and working out how to get from A to B and all the pit stops along the way
Once you have your plan, start working towards your goal.
Set long-term goals and then smaller targets so each week, month, year, you know you are moving towards your chosen destination. Enjoy the journey.
© Carole Anne