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How to Heal your Inner Child

Healing Your Inner Child

Healing wounds (emotional and physical) from the past can help us move into a happier future.

When we went through difficulties … hurtful times, frustrating times, lonely times … in our childhood it will have been hard for us to handle those feeling and when this happens they can get stuck inside, buried deep within, never to be dealt with or understood and eventually they can be released in the form of depression, restlessness, anger or discontent in our adult life. So for instance if we were often criticised when we were young, or we were bullied or misunderstood because we were slightly different to others, the hurt this will have caused can also cause deep wounds to that child which still resides within.

Of course you may have had a happy childhood and this will not relate. But if for instance you experienced negativity in relationships in the past and felt at one time it was ‘you’ and not others who were causing the problems or that you didn’t deserve to be loved, these feelings can sometimes manifest through irritability or tension in adulthood.

It isn’t too late to heal these wounds and to heal your inner child.

Here are some ways to comfort your inner child:

  • Next time you feel angry, upset or irritable for no apparent reason you might ask your spirit guides or angels to help you understand what childhood memories might be triggering this reaction in you. They may not give you the memories instantly but once you have asked for them, you might suddenly find yourself thinking back to past experiences you haven’t thought of (if ever) in years. As an adult you might view the situation through different eyes and with the help of the angels or your spirit guides, you might find a way to heal from that situation.

  • Don’t feel it is childish to get a cushion or pillow and to make believe it is a teacher or adult who humiliated you as a child and beat all your anger, hurt and frustration into that pillow until you are exhausted. At that moment tell yourself you are healed from that childhood situation. This may not sound very spiritual but this is the kind of physical outlet your supressed emotions need to help heal the wounded child within.

  • Recognise and ‘let go’ of beliefs, views and opinions that were created from the emotional place that was helping you survive as a child. You may, for instance, have felt a need to keep your emotions and feelings to yourself because no one was listening or wanted to know. This may have been carried into your adult life through an inability to express your true feelings for fear of creating the wrong impression on others or for having them laugh at you. But people can’t read your mind and expressing emotions in close relationships is vital if they are to develop healthily and grown.

  • Do you expect too much from yourself as an adult because of having been pushed into being ‘perfect’ as a child? Well no one is perfect and often our views of ourselves as being inadequate come from the way we were made to feel as a child when we did not come up to other people’s expectations of us. Let go of this belief that you aren’t good enough. If you put your best effort into anything then you have got it as perfect as you are capable of making it to be.

  • Recognise the triggers that might come from past experiences that cause negative thoughts, guilt, shame, regrets, sorrow, disappointment or an inability to trust others. Certain triggers could bring buried feelings to the surface to cause these think patterns or feelings. In recognising that for instance (jut as a general example) the guilt about leaving your children with a child-minder while you work is because our mother kept reminding you of how she gave up ‘the best years of her life’ in order to rear her children, you will suddenly realise that you’re feeling guilty because you aren’t caring for your children as well as your mother did when in fact, you aren’t doing anything wrong at all.

  • Send healing to your inner child. Ask Angel Raphael to protect you from negative thoughts and feelings that come from your childhood and manifest in health problems. Imagine yourself as you were as a child and ask Angel Raphael to surround that child in healing emerald green light and to heal the child within. Don’t worry if you find this hard to visualise, setting the intention is enough to start the healing. Thank the Angels for their protection and guidance.

Emotional wounds can come from childhood wounds and adult wounds that have been left unhealed, causing emotional scars. Send love and compassion to your inner child and above all, love yourself.

(c) Carole Anne

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