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Spring Festivals Associated with Mars

Celebrating Mars the Roman God of Spring

Although more commonly known as the god of war, in ancient Rome, Mars was also a god of spring, fertility, nature's growth and the protector of cattle.

Mars was the son of Juno and Jupiter, and god of the spring. When his March festivals were held, he presided over the spring season, agriculture and crops. Later he became associated with battle to also preside over war.

Greek God Ares

As the Roman God of War, Mars was linked to the Greek Ares. The differences between these two gods were that for the Romans, Mars was a heroic warrior God while for the Greeks, Ares was unpredictable and held in much less esteem. Mars was considered to be more benevolent, Ares was more fearsome.

Mars and March

March, in the old calendar, was the first month of the new year, dedicated to the Roman god Mars.

Many of Mars' festivals included dances performed by the Salii or "leaping priests" who were young men clad like Latin warriors. These festivals were mainly carried out during the first month of the Roman Calendar: Mars (March). The dancers not only called upon Mars but also Saturn, the God of sowing to expel all the evil spirits who had entered the city during the winter. The 'leaping' in the dances was to stimulate growth.

Spring Festivals in Honour of Mars

There were several spring festivals in honour of this Roman god.

  • March 1st - The Feriae Marti celebrations. This festival lasted throughout most of the month with repeated rituals conducted by the "leaping priests" until the 24th March.

  • March 9th and 24th - As with on the first day of the month, the "leaping Priests" leapt their way through Rome, performing complicated ritual dances and chants at certain points en-route. After these rituals, the priests would retire to enjoy a feast of fairly luxurous standards.

  • February 27th and March 14th - the Equirria festival during which horse races were held.

  • March 19th - the Quinquatrus: this festival was sacred to Minerva, during which, women would consult fortune-tellers and diviners. The festival which lasted four days would culminate in the hunting of wild beasts, an exhibition of plays and contests of orators and poets.

  • March 23rd the Tubilustrium at which festival, weapons and war trumpets were cleansed.

  • March 16th - 24th - Fast days

  • March 25th - the Hilaria or "Festival of Joy" when the Romans broke their fast for the Festival of Joy.

Some believe the origins of the Mardi Gras lie in the Feriae Marti celebrations and that the early Church co-opted Roman holidays in March for Easter celebrations.

Mars: the Planet

The fourth planet in the Solar System Mars was named after Mars. This planet is associated with courage, combat, motivation, competition, war, stamina and sexual energy. March, the month is named after the roman God Mars as this was the month when wars were often started as well as it being spring renewed.


Bulfinch, T. Bulfinch's Greek and Roman Mythology.Dover Publications 2003. Doniger, W. Roman and European Mythologies. Chicago University Press 1992.

​Published by Carole Anne ​Astrologer, Author, Reiki Master, Tarot Reader and Dream Interpreter, Carole Anne provides top quality astrology and New Age articles for magazines, newspapers and web sites

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