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Root Chakra Balancing Exercises for Kids

Chakra Balancing Exercises for Kids … Root Chakra

Our chakras don’t just miraculously appear when we get into adulthood. They are with us all our lives. Each chakra develops at different stages and each chakra is related to emotional, physical, mental and spiritual health. Recognising signs of blocked chakras can help support our children by introducing activities to help balance their chakra. The first in this series of articles focuses on the root chakra.

Root Chakra –

The root chakra is located at the base of the spine.

When the root chakra is open: child is active, full of energy, grounded. The child feels safe and secure within the family and feels loved and confident.

Signs of blocked root chakra: anxiety, restlessness, difficulty settling, underweight or overweight, strong need for security, problems with legs, lower back, bowels, bones and teeth, insomnia, lacking in energy. Child may bully other children, be fearful or show selfish, possessive tendencies.

Here are some activities to help a child balance their root chakra.

Go for nature walks – this is very grounding and children love being out in nature. Take them to the park or a woods and go on a scavenger hunt. Garden activities – if you have a garden, set a small patch of garden aside for your children to plant their own flowers or vegetables so they can nurture and watch them grow. Sports and outdoor activities – whether it’s kicking a football, skipping, walking, running, playing in the park, outdoor activities help keep your child grounded Drumming – drumming helps connect your child to the heartbeat of Mother Earth Establish trust – bonding with their primary caregivers is essential for a child to feel emotionally secure and loved Healthy Nourishment – Healthy food choices for your child is essential to building a healthy body Ensure a safe environment – A child’s safety is of primary importance. A child needs to feel secure in familiar environments. When in unfamiliar environments, child needs someone they trust there for them who they can go to for reassurance.

Fun grounding (root chakra) exercises for children:

Walk, stomp or run barefoot on the grass or sand (ensuring it is safe to do so) Run on the spot for one minute Ask your child to pretend they are a tree Taking care of a pet Ask your child to draw a special place, real or imaginary, that feels safe for them. (If a child needs a little prompting, you might ask: where do you like going that makes you feel good? Favourite room in the home? Grandma’s? A favourite holiday place? Once the drawing is finished, encourage your child to talk about it. Bake cakes with your child

Teach them the 54321 game: Ask your child to name five things they can 'see' in the room or environment around them Ask your child for four things they can ‘feel’ i.e.the chair I am sitting on, the floor beneath my feet Ask your child for three things they can hear Ask your child for two things they can smell Ask your child to name one of their favourite foods

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