How to get to know your spirit guides better

How to get to know your guides better?
We are often asked ‘how do I meet my spirit guides?’, ‘what are the names of my guides?’ … there are meditations to help you feel a stronger connection with your guides. You might ask them, during your meditations, for their name. They may give you this during your meditation or as a sign when you are going about your everyday business - just as we watch for signs that they are near. You may for instance hear the same name in a song, conversation, or see it on the internet all in the one day. That could be a big hint from your guides.
On saying this, you should not worry if you can’t get a name. Your guides are with you and it isn’t necessary that you know their name … truth is, you already know all about them. You’ve just forgotten while on the earthly plane.
Your guides are always with you and they are with you to help you achieve your spiritual goals and learn from lessons in this life. They help you stay connected with your higher self and to follow your soul’s purpose. Your guides will only help you achieve the aims you set for yourself prior to your birth. You might for instance just ‘know’ that it isn’t your soul’s purpose to live a wealthy, lazy life. So if you ask your guides to help you win the lottery, they aren’t likely to oblige!
You might ask your guides about your path for this is why they are with you. If you feel you aren’t making that connection in your meditations, speak out loud to them when you are doing the housework, walking, carrying out mundane tasks. You might start to sense a two-way conversation going on.
Another way to connect with your guides is through writing. Either traditional pen and paper or on your computer. Just start to write about an issue that’s on your mind or a problem you’re trying to solve. This might feel a little awkward at first but keep your thoughts focused on the matter and ask for guidance. Write down the problem then keep writing whatever comes into your mind. Don’t stop to edit, just let the thoughts flow onto the page until you feel you’ve got it all down. Only when it is all written should you stop and read it through. With practice you might notice that guidance and solutions to your problems are appearing in those written words.