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Grounding - How to Ground your Energy

Grounding – How to Ground your Energy

I thought I would do a post on how to ground. When we work with our intuition and psychic energy we always ground ourselves to connect our physical body to earth energies. We are spiritual beings in a physical body and being grounded means we are centred, present in the moment, our energy in our body, tethered to Mother Earth. This helps us reach higher spiritual frequencies while being firmly in our body. Grounding means re-establishing our connection to the Earth.

Everyone can benefit from grounding their energy, not just psychics. Signs you are ungrounded include: You feel fearful and vulnerable, you feel unusually nervous, you’re clumsy and keep stepping on things, falling over things or knocking things (your body might knock into door frames or corners of furniture). You feel spaced-out, daydreamy, dizzy and out of touch with reality. You can’t concentrate and find it hard to finish jobs. Your mind keeps wandering or gets easily distracted. You might find it hard to understand others or have yourself understood. It should be remembered of course that some of these symptoms could relate to health problems and if you are worried about your health, you should consult your doctor.

Back to grounding and we always ground before meditation and doing any kind of psychic work. Grounding regularly can help you too in many ways. Grounding brings you back to the present. Studies on grounding have found that grounding can help reduce anxiety and depression, lower stress and ease headaches. People sleep better when they are grounded and one study in The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine found that grounding reduces the risk of heart attacks and cardiovascular disease. Grounding can also bring a sense of calm and lessen muscle tension.

There are many ways to Ground your energy. It’s actually a very simple thing to do and you will find that once you start feeling the benefits grounding, you will start choosing to ground automatically.

Grounding exercises help send any excess energy back to the ground. Here is a quick grounding technique: Close your eyes. Feel your feet flat on the floor (if you’re lying down feel your heals on the surface of whatever your lying on).

Visualise or imagine roots growing out of your feet and going into the foundations of the house, then passing into the soil and deep into the earth.

See your roots travelling deep into the earth and then let the root wrap around a huge stone or crystal. Breathe deeply and see your roots being nourished by Mother Earth. Feel this connection with the earth. Now take a few deep breaths and open your eyes. You are Grounded to the earth. – You can also visualise roots going down into the earth from your Root Chakra (located at the base of your spine).

Other ways to ground include: walking barefoot on the grass or on a sandy beach if you live beside the sea. Hug a tree. Take a walk in nature. This helps you establish an instant connection to the earth. Eat root vegetables. Carry grounding gemstones such as hematite, black tourmaline, ruby, onyx or obsidian.

When you feel your attention drifting, or if you’re a bit more clumsy than usual, confused or mixing with disruptive people or if you spend many hours working on computers or in artistic/creative pastimes, try getting into the habit of centring your energy and see if you feel a difference.


Carole Anne

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