Energy Cleansing - Psychic Shower

Techniques for Cleansing Your Energy Field – Psychic Shower
People who practice healing through Reiki, Crystal Healing and other alternative healing practices will need to regularly cleanse themselves of negative energy and centre themselves. There are a number of psychic cleansing procedures and a one that can be performed alone, or with a group of people is the Waterfall technique.
To cleanse psychic energy using the Waterfall method, find a place to stand where you are not too close to other people. You need to feel the energy flow down and around you. Some people like to use this technique while standing in the countryside or on a beach.
Anyone can use the waterfall method of psychic cleansing, not just professional healers. If you envisage your psychic energy as being fluid like water, sometimes the pressures of life, difficult relationships or a stressful career can have an affect on this energy and rather than clear water (energy) flowing through your spiritual being, it gets quite murky. This is when people are susceptible to spiritual attacks. Dreams can be more disturbing and psychic experiences disconcerting.
Spiritual cleansing and renewal can help release negative energy and the Waterfall method will leave you feeling so much more revitalised and invigorated. Then all that negative murkiness will be washed away as positive new psychic energy starts to flow through your being. So refreshing!
Stand with your arms by your side and visualise a waterfall. Imagine you are standing beneath this fast flowing surge of crystal clear water. Lift your arms up and feel the ice-cold water gushing down, hitting your arms, your head and your body. Feel the cold. Hold your breath as you get used to the refreshing iciness beating down on your face, down your neck and back. Imagine the sound of the water as it beats down, passing you and flowing into the rivers below.
In your mind’s eye, see the water joining the pool at your feet as it flows out into the natural world where it joins Mother Nature’s natural flow.
This is a great way to release negative energy and balance your physical, emotional and spiritual energies.
If you aren’t used to the idea of psychic cleansing, this would be a great technique to begin with. You might look at it this way: we shower our bodies regularly to keep them clean. So why not look after your spiritual health by getting into the habit of taking regular psychic showers to help renew your spiritual being?
© Carole Anne Previously published Yahoo Voices
Image: Flying Freddy Wikimediacommons