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☆☆Healing Gifts you can Give your Spirit this New Year ☆☆

☆☆Healing Gifts you can Give your Spirit this New Year ☆☆

Now is a perfect time to let your inner light shine. Honour the inner-you with renewed awareness of your spirituality and gratitude. What healing gifts might you give your spirit this New Year?


Anything you do to raise your vibration will also help you feel healthier and happier. Are there ways to improve your diet? Do you exercise regularly? … Even taking your dog for a walk, getting adequate sleep, getting closer to nature through gardening can help raise your vibration. Dance. Sing. Be creative. Listen to music. The happier you feel the happier the experiences you will draw your way.


Your mind is powerful. It is like a magnet. What you think, you attract. To heal yourself, try to take a positive approach to life. Make clear decisions. Visualise yourself succeeding. Believe that you deserve the best and you will attract the people, opportunity and resources you need to create the results you desire.


Say to yourself “I am happy” or “I will succeed” or choose an affirmation that suits your purpose. Repeat your affirmation through the day. Say it and believe it.


Sit quietly, focus on your breathing and take in a few deep breaths. This will help calm and relax you.


Physical contact with another person (be sure they know you!) can reduce stress and can be emotionally healing.


Regular meditation will help calm your mind and bring you closer to your inner-spirit. Meditation also helps heighten your intuition.


The places you spend most of your time will affect your health. Colours of your rooms, photographs, paintings on the walls, flowers, plants, crystals, books … all create energy. Does the energy in your home and working environment feel right for you?

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