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How to Clear Negative Energy from around you

When you sense negative energy or spirits around you be firm and ask that they leave you. Sprinkle salt, light candles, sage and incense, (fire is a spiritual cleansing element), waft the smoke from these around any area you feel negative energy might linger. Sometimes opening a door or window and requesting that they leave offers an exit for them. I know someone who worked in a residential home and often the spirits of those who died there would linger. It was a routine for the staff to open the window of the passed resident’s room and request them to leave if they’d been making a nuisance of themselves and it worked!

Meditate. Visualise a violet flame. Step into the flame and allow it to burn away any negative energy around and through you as you step through it. Call on Archangel Michael to cut all negative ties from around you. Visualise Michael’s sword cutting all cords that connect you to other people/situations/negative energies and as you do so, say “I release you for your Highest Good.”

If you ever feel you are attracting negative energies, work on yourself too. Avoid places that make you uncomfortable. Think positive loving thoughts. Love yourself, love those around you. Work with your guides and angels for your highest good. Light attracts light. Love attracts love. The more loving your lifestyle the less likely you will attract negative entities. Ground, cleanse, shield and protect regularly … many times a day if necessary and visualise a blue protective bubble surrounding your home, your possessions/car, friends and loved ones.

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