Angel Numbers ... do you keep seeing numbers on the clock or in other areas of life? What might thes
Angel Numbers
1 is the number of new beginnings. A new chapter in your life is about to start. You might get a feeling that something is going to happen but you don’t quite know what. The Angels are showing you these numbers so you can prepare yourself for something new. Keep a lookout for new opportunities. 1 is the starting point. 1 is a number of wholeness. The ancient Greeks and many other cultures believe that the Universe is One. New beginnings in your life will be important for your spiritual growth. You are more in tune with your higher self and this is a good time to develop your spiritual side and to trust your intuition. New opportunities are ahead. 2 22 222 2222 Think of partnerships and joint undertakings when you see the number 2 recurring. 2 symbolises division, halves (two halves of a whole) and duality. 2 is an even number, a number of balance representing opposites. Day and night, hot and cold, body and soul, life and death. 2 represents cooperation and harmony. The Angels are suggesting that you have it within you to bring peace to tens situations. 2 also represents projects and relationships already begun moving into the stage where you can build upon them and watch them grow. The Angels are showing you these numbers so you can stay positive and know that if you persevere, seeds that have already been sown in your life will flourish. Just give them time. 3 33 333 3333 3 is a number of creativity and communication. You might find sudden ideas coming into your mind and you will want to work on these and share your feelings, thoughts and creativity with others. Emails, text messages, letters, phone calls may hold some importance. The Angels are asking you to pay close attention to your communications and conversations. You may have knowledge and skills you can share with others or there is a chance that once you put your ideas into action, other people will benefit from them too. Equally you could learn a lot from others now. 3 is a number of encouragement and positive teamwork. 3 can also bring accomplishments you can be pleased of; reason for a celebration. 3 is the number of the great spiritual teachers in history and this number is also linked to Ascended Masters. 4 44 444 4444 4 is a reliable, stable, dependable number. Think of a square, all sides equal, all giving strength to each other. 4 suggests a need to be organised, logical and practical in your current dealings. The angels are encouraging you to be sensible and careful. Projects you are working on will have firm foundations and this will help ensure developments will continue to be pleasing. The Angels are reminding you that hard work brings its just rewards. 4 is associated with practical affairs, building, handicrafts. Think of a house being built brick by brick until eventually a home is constructed. Your patience, diligence and determined efforts will pay off in the long-run. 5 55 555 5555 5 is a number of change, versatility and individuality. Change can bring new experiences. Change brings variety. 5 is a number of curiosity and idealism. Life, ambitions, relationships … any or all of these could be in a state of flux. Where there is competition, one side may be outnumbered. 5 can bring choices and lessons through new experiences. 5 is associated with creativity, excitement, imagination, healing and motivation. When the Angels are showing you the number 5 they are helping you to prepare for change ahead. Be courageous, be ready to make choices, be ready to break out of a rut. The more 5s you see, the bigger the change is likely to be. 6 66 666 6666 6 is a harmonious, balanced number. 6 is likely to bring charming, charismatic people into your life. Some experiences will make you look back and know you have met an Earth Angel. 6 brings compassion, love and harmony into your life. The Angels want you to know that you might be called upon to help or be of service to others. This would be a good time to develop your healing ability if you feel drawn in that direction. You may have to make sacrifices for others or to learn new skills that will help you help those who are in need. 6 is a number of hard work, healing, love, kindness and protection. 6 is symbolic of the Universal energies around you now that will provide you with the answers to your prayers through remaining focused on your goals, developing your spirituality and finding a way to balance and heal issues in your life and relationships. 7 77 777 7777 7 is a number of searching, solitude, seeking answers to questions that can only be found from deep within. This number is associated with ritual, religion, spiritual development, philosophy, intuition and mysticism. 7 represents wisdom and the search for truth. The Angels are gently guiding you to take a temporary solitary path (this does not mean breaking away from relationships but just to arrange to have some regular time to yourself). You might create a space where you can be alone to meditate. Clarity will come through inner thought, contemplation and meditation. 7 can also be a sign of heightened intuition and an inner knowing. The Angels want you to know that you are on the right path. You are making good progress. 8 88 888 8888 8 is a number of Fate and Karma. It is the number of infinity. 8 brings achievement for past efforts … qualifications, awards, recognition for all you have put in so far to gain the skills you can now be proud of. 8 can bring abundance and material rewards. The Angels want you to know that your efforts have not gone unnoticed. They want to reward you for all your hard work and you might find financial and material gifts coming your way. 8 represents a balance between the spiritual and material worlds. Money is energy and money in exchange for skills you are able to provide for others is a balanced energy exchange. A cycle in your life may be coming to an end in order for something new to begin. 9 99 999 9999 9 is a sacred number. A number of completion and fulfilment. Some say it is the number of Heaven. 9 brings rewards for the successful completion of tests and challenges. 9 is a humanitarian number. There is no judgement or prejudice in the number 9. If you keep seeing 9s, the Angels are letting you know a cycle in your life is now over. Opportunities will come your way to fulfil your true purpose. You are balanced, grounded, confident in your spiritual beliefs and at one with yourself. The Angels now ask you to share your knowledge, skills and wisdom with others and to lead by example. (c) Carole Somerville