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Back to School Horoscopes

The summer may have flown by for some with fun indoor and outdoor activities, day trips and holidays. Some kids may have grumbled about having no one to play with and nothing to do and how they couldn’t wait to get back to school. Either way, returning to school after the long summer holiday can be a tough time and some horoscope signs find the back to school transition easier than others. Here are some tips to help you help your child settle into the new school year. If your child is an Aries, Leo or Sagittarius, starting school or beginning a new school year should be made to feel as if it’s going to be a big adventure. If, once they’re back at school, they show interest in an after-school club, new sport or learning a new musical instrument, encourage and support them as much as finances allow. If you’re transporting your child to school, try to arrange it so they get into the schoolyard early so they will have time to play with their friends and get into a more relaxed frame of mind before starting the school day. Let them know that there are so many new things to experience at school and at the end of each school day you can extend your child’s learning experiences through encouraging them to talk about their school activities. If your child is a Gemini, Libra or Aquarius, knowing that there are friends at school they can get on well with and plenty interesting things to do will give them something to look forward to. Remind them of all the positive things about going back to school, emphasising their favourite subjects, all the new books they’ll be reading and how you’re looking forward to helping them with their reading and writing homework. Prepare them for what lies ahead and at the end of each school day ask them about what they have learned and what they found most interesting. These children love learning and discovering new things about the world and about themselves. Show an interest in their homework and make sure there’s ample time in the evenings both for homework and for play. If your child is a Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces starting school or changing classrooms and teachers can be a big change. They’re going to feel like they’re on an emotional roller-coaster until they settle into new routines. Have patience with the tears and tantrums. If they’re starting school for the first time take advantage of the school’s settling-in procedures to help make children feel more comfortable. These children don’t want excitement and the idea that starting school is a big exciting adventure will only make them feel more nervous. They need to know teachers will be supportive and sympathetic and they do have someone who will understand their anxiety. – Try to stay calm and avoid being anxious yourself as they will pick up on your emotions. Show an interest in what they have learned at school but don’t push if they don’t want to talk about it. Although they should be encouraged to do their homework, there should also be time in the evenings for free play, day dreaming and relaxing. Put a surprise note in their lunch box saying “I love you” to help give them a midday emotional boost. If your child is a Taurus, Capricorn or Virgo they will find change difficult. In particular at the start of a new school year they might find any excuse under the sun as to why they shouldn’t go to school. Find ways to make their schooling experience a pleasant one. It may be worth making an adjustment in your own schedule to help make the transition smoother. Show an interest in what they are learning, keep in touch with their teacher about their progress (social and educational) and encourage them to invite their friends to your home after school. Be positive about your own school experiences and encourage your child to share their positive and negative school experiences with you. These children feel more comfortable in set routines and when they aren’t rushed. Be sure they get to school on time without having felt harassed so they can begin their school day without having to deal with the embarrassment of being late. Encourage your child to eat a healthy breakfast and have everything organised the night before so they start their school day in a relaxed and unhurried way.

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