The Mystery Behind Psychic Readings
Psychic readings can be mysterious especially for those who have had little experience in spiritual or psychic areas. The very nature of...
Routines and Habits that Could Affect Your Health in the Spring
What Daily Habits Might Make You Sick This Spring? Through the seasons you're likely to fall into daily habits that suit you. Everyone...

Superstitions and Crystals
Gems, Crystals and Superstitions © Carole Anne First Published Yahoo Voices October 2009 Books written as far back as medieval times...

Angel Numbers
Angel Numbers 1 is the number of new beginnings. A new chapter in your life is about to start. You might get a feeling that something is...
What is Past Life Memory?
Have you lived before? This is the first question to ask before considering the concept of past life memory and there are three possible...

Is your Child Psychic?
Children are more open to psychic and spiritual experiences as they haven’t yet been conditioned to block out their psychic/intuitive...

Guardian Angels of Children
In Victorian times, it was accepted by many that children were under the protection of their own special Guardian Angels. In the book...

How to be an Expert with a Beginner's Mind
Soshin is a concept of Zen Budhism, meaning the ‘Beginner’s Mind’ . The goal of this practice is that even when you are an expert, you...

Easy ways to Learn the Constellations
Mythology influenced the naming of many celestial bodies including the constellations and the names of the main constellations have...

Your Animal Spirit Guides
Your Animal Spirit Guide Which Animal Spirit Guards Your Life Path At the core of all Native American spiritual thought is that the earth...