Signs of Spiritual Awakening
🌟🌟🌟🌟SIGNS OF SPIRITUAL AWAKENING 🌟🌟🌟🌟 A psychic or spiritual awakening is a breakthrough moment we might all experience...

Mother Shipton's Prophesies
A Look at the Prophesies Written in Poems by This Ancient Seer The 17th century was not an easy time to live through and because it is...

Mother Shipton: England's Nostradamus
The Life of a Seer Who Predicted Many Important Historical Events A number of legends surround Mother Shipton's birth. One speaks of her...

What Causes Shooting Stars?
The inspiration behind myths, poems, novels and paintings, witnessing a shooting star is a brief and magical vision that has always...

Herbal Teas for Coughs and Colds
Almost everyone is familiar with the uncomfortable symptoms of a cold. These include coughs and sneezes, headaches, an aching body, runny...
Mercury Retrograde 12 August - 5 September, 2017
August 12th and Mercury is now retrograde. Three or four times a year this planet of communication goes retrograde (looks as if it is...

Eclipse Season - August 2017 - what might this mean for you?
Two eclipses in August amplifies the fiery Leo energy during this time of the year. The Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse on the 7/8th falls...

Which is your ruling planet?
Every Zodiac sign has its own ruling planet/s. The energy of a sign's ruling planets has a strong influence over those born under that...
Sun Sign Appearances
For fun, let's take a look at the 'general' appearance of each Star Sign: ARIES A muscular yet lean body with a longish face, high...

An introduction to reading the tarot
How to Improve your Tarot readings If you’re hoping to learn the tarot and you know a professional tarot reader who is willing to take...