An introduction to Astrology (1) The Sun in a Natal Chart
Aspects of the Sun in a Natal Chart and how to Interpret the Sun in a Horoscope Even those who do not know much about astrology will be...

How to Preserve Autumn Leaves
Old Fashioned and Modern Ways of Preserving Autumn Leaves Children love to collect colourful autumn leaves; here are some suggestions...

Children and Guardian Angels
In Victorian times, it was accepted by many that children were under the protection of their own special Guardian Angels. In the book...

How to talk to your Angels
Many people ask whether there is someone with them or often they sense someone close by them. Angels are always near us. They are willing...

An Introduction to Chakras
An Introduction to Chakras Do you sometimes feel out of touch with reality, out of focus or lacking in energy for no apparent reason?...

Past Life Test
Past Life Test If you’re wondering about having a past life reading or you just want to find out more about your past lives, here’s a...
How to Discover your Animal Spirit and What is your Animal Spirit Guardian
If you collect cat or tiger ornaments or you feel drawn to buying paintings of elephants or horses, it may well be that you are working...

Colours and You
Need a Spiritual Uplift? - Tune into your Cosmic Colour How does colour affect us in our day-to-day lives? - Colour is everywhere....

Have you lived before? Do you really want to know
Have you lived before? This is the first question to ask before considering the concept of past life memory and there are three possible...

Meditation with Tarot Cards - High Priestess and the Empress
Meditation can help reduce stress and gives people the chance to spend a little time with themselves. Spending just a few minutes every...