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Animal Totem Astrology

Animal Totem Astrology is a nature-based system drawn from Native American beliefs based on your birth animal totem: your animal spirit guide. These totems can give insight into your personality and your life path or future. Animal Totem and Western horoscopes combine two cultures to give added insight into cosmic influences. Here’s a quick glimpse of your personality according to your Animal Totem Horoscope.


January 20 to February 18 (Aquarius Otter)

Otters are creative, curious and playful. Otters will welcome others into their lives without suspicion, envy or jealousy. Aquarians are humanitarian and communicative. They make good ambassadors. The Aquarius Otter will campaign to promote good causes. They long to make this world a better place for us all.


February 19 to March 20 (Pisces Wolf)

The Wolf is intelligent and intuitive with powerful inner strength. The wolf loves freedom but is also loyal to their pack. Pisces is sensitive, emotional, spiritual and kind. The Pisces Wolf can learn more about themselves through meditation and listening to their inner voice.


March 21 to April 19 (Aries Falcon)

The Falcon is attuned to messages and omens and this helps them sense what’s about to happen. The Falcon is a messenger and protector. Falcon has energy and initiative. Arians are bold, courageous and born to lead. The Aries Falcon will react quickly to good opportunities and will value their personal freedom while being a part of a team.


April 20 to May 20 (Taurus Beaver)

Beaver is strong and hard working. Beaver will act on ideas to turn them into reality. Beavers know that the only way to make dreams come true is to make an effort to bring them about. Taureans are methodical, organised and determined. The Taurus Beaver is practical, skilful, loyal and steadfast.


May 21 to June 20 (Gemini Elk)

The Elk is competitive and are rarely seen alone. Elks have stamina and strength as well as agility. Elk people know how to make the best use of their energy. Geminis are versatile and restless. The Gemini Elk will accomplish a lot through pacing themselves sensibly so they don’t run out of energy. They are alert, curious and can adapt quickly to new circumstances.


June 21 to July 21 (Cancer Salmon)

Salmon will persevere when times are tough and will work tirelessly to achieve their aims. They are sensitive and imaginative and in touch with their intuition. They never forget where they came from. The home-loving Cancerian is compassionate, caring and sensitive to the needs of others. The Cancer Salmon will be protective, tenacious and intuitive.


July 22 to August 22 (Leo Sturgeon)

As the Lion, symbol of the sign Leo is known as the king of the animals, the Sturgeon is known as the king of fishes. The Sturgeon is knowledgeable, generous and courageous. Leos are born leaders, good organisers, energetic and faithful. The Leo Sturgeon is born to lead and dominate with emphasis on love and creativity.


August 23 to September 21 (Virgo Bear)

The Bear will courageously stand up for what they believe in. They have an inner strength and enjoy their own company. The Bear finds peace through solitude. Virgos are careful, precise and find joy in serving others. The Virgo Bear has strong healing powers with a quiet air of authority and a pleasing respect for boundaries.


September 22 to October 22 (Libra Dove)

The Dove is symbolic of love and Dove personalities bring harmony and balance into all relationships. Doves are graceful, romantic and mate for life. The Libran is also a peace-loving soul. The Libra Dove has a strong sense of community, can bring tranquillity where there is discord and creativity to their surroundings.


October 23 to November 22 (Scorpio Snake)

The Snake is intuitive with a sharp intellect. Snakes are versatile with surprising energy thanks to their coiled power within. Snakes are quiet and calm with a sensitivity to their environment that helps them sense things others don’t notice. Scorpios are intense, deeply emotional, spiritual and sensitive. The Scorpio Snake will have all these qualities along with psychic powers and mediumistic potential.


November 23 to December 21 (Sagittarius Horse)

The Horse is energetic, strongly emotional and passionate. Horse people love the freedom to travel, explore and learn. Sagittarians are also freedom-loving with a love of learning. The Sagittarius Horse is competitive, generous and adventurous with strong powers of endurance.


December 22 to January 19 (Capricorn Goose)

The Goose is strongly supportive of their family and friends and has a strong sense of community. They are loyal in love and will make efficient use of their energy. Capricorns are ambitious, hard- working and methodical in their outlook. The Capricorn Goose will devote themselves to improving their life and the lives of those around them.


© 2016 Carole  Anne Psychic Readings

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